Monday, July 13, 2009

hello goodbye

all you beatles fans can join me with that song in your head.

I am saying goodbye to my selfish ambitions of being a professional lazy bum. I am saying hello to an online master's program.

I am saying goodbye to late nights of movie watching and twix bars. hello (hopefully) new job starting at 8 am, and twix bars, I guess they can stay.

goodbye to being a SAHM (Lord-willing) and hello to family members helping care for my little guy. yikes, that means hello to a slew of new germ hiding spots, more big bottles of hand sanitizer and hello baby vitamin c tablets (who am I kidding? I'll be giving him ADULT sized doses, thank you very much) but I guess that's also hello to more faith that the Lord will continue to keep my son healthy!

goodbye to thoughts of Virginia Home for Boys and Girls or Thornwell Home in SC, hello to reaching out to those in need in my own neighborhood (and there are MANY). goodbye unemployment, hello AMAZING career for my wonderful husband.

goodbye facebook and blogging, hello capella courseroom discussions. (ok, ok, so I'll still be on there for procrastination purposes...)

goodbye bad attitude, hello (again) to renewal through Jesus Christ. goodbye to 28, hello to 29 years of life.

"you say goodbye, and I say hello....hello, hello. i don't know why you say goodbye, I say helooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-oo-ooooo-o, helloooo"