Friday, December 9, 2011

"hee-sees! Mooooo!!!"

Spirit of Hope Youth Ranch is a rescue program for abused and neglected horses. They rent property from King's Home and 3 of the horses live in our neighbor's front yard. The other day I took the wee ones up to visit them. Noah kept saying "Hey! hey horsie, can I ride on you? I want to ride on you horsie." and then he climbed up the fence and I put him back on the ground and little sister tried to follow suit saying "hee-sees, see hee-sees, mommy?".

Shannon, who feeds them, happened to come by and offered Noah a ride on her personal horse. It was the talk of the week. On Thursday I taught Noah the song to Mr. Ed. Then I bought him a cowboy hat and miniature horse with a saddle and reigns at the $ store. At 3:30 we saddled up and he got to go for a ride. I was so proud of him, he looked like suuuuuch a big boy!!

One of many stickbugs

leaves + sticks=free toys!

The heart stealer (spoiled by everyone in the house but me)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Out w/ the old...

In with the new-er actually older, but MUCH better!

We got a new car...woo-hoo!!! I have abhored the 2008 Taurus since we bought it three years ago. Each month and payment have been the bane of my existence (I have no idea if I'm spelling these words right or not). The car is a total lemon but Ford is a scammer corporation and every time we take it in, they say they can't "re-create" the problems we are describing. I'm literally planning on dropping it off at WalMart and telling them to come get their pile of junky transmission that has been bad since about 5,000 miles old. So how will we get around???

Helloooooooo Suburban (think of how the Animaniacs say "helloooooo nurse!")

Bonus: The heated leather seats are AMAZING on my back-I have gotten pops and cracks that have needed to pop and crack for ages. I'm in loooooooove!!!

Further updates:
Three weeks left in the quarter for school. That means 8 more discussion posts and a 20 page paper. Starbucks, here I come!

up to five boys again in the home. They are all starting to blend in well with the fam. Now if we could get our hands on a reliable & consistant assistant, this place would be ULTIMATE!!

pregnant again with number three. This one is healthy and (drumroll please) another boy!! Due in a few more months and already gained about 20 pounds. Just bought a new pair of pj pants to live in for the next few weeks since my favorite jeans are getting snug around the tummy.

The kids are loving their mother's day out program, playing outside in our massive yard, seeing our neighbors the horses and swimming at the Y. Oh yeah, and they ADORE their "big brothers." Mommy is adoring the weather which is very slightly chilly, but much less gray than Mich.

What am I going to do with 8 boys and one Carlton in my life? Autumn and I have already started working on our girl time. I painted her nails the other day-they look really cute:)

Monday, October 10, 2011

little big kids

I don't want to go too long without posting pics. Plus, I have to show off the super cute top I bought for (score!!!) 3 bucks:

Country Bumpkin (free shiny purple adorable boots)

The natural light in our playroom is so awesome!

Wrestle Mania

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am about to officially drop off the face of the earth. Our home had six boys, and now we are briefly down to five. School starts back up in 4 days and counting. Poor eyeballs, I wonder how many hours of daily computer use it takes to turn you into a macintosh? Online class, here I comeJ

The kids are exhaustingly awesome. We are trying to implement some expectations so that each of the “big” boys learns to work individually with N and A each day. Even if it ended up being 5-10 minutes per activity…puzzles, books, counting, singing, catch-hey! We’re a family, right, so everybody gets to play a part.

My two favorite activities thus far: One of the guys belting a loud and totally out of tune rendition of “Jesus Loves Me” to keep Autumn from crying on the way home last Friday night. Another one teaching Noah Spanish, including “tu es si bonita.” I always wanted a little bilingual pimpdaddy 3 year old!!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


has this song that's all frilly and cute and instrumental. The lyrics go a bit like this:

"annnnnd then...."
-cute twirly music-

"It's oh, so quiet"
-cute twirly music-

"and still again"
-lala land music again-

"starts another big riot"

and then she talks about falling in love and it is loud fifty's big band music and lots of her yelling and loudness.

Anyways, if uve never heard the song, you will not follow me, but this is my life right now. We were sitting at the table about ready to go to Bible study ON TIME for once and BANG BANG BANG BANG our faulty ADT fire alarm starts going off for no reason. Fast forward many phone calls, which made us VERY late for Bible Study and many hours, which makes it 11:38pm, and the alarm is still going off.

It's like BEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEEP pause, repeat repeat repeat. I want to bang bang bang my head on the wall, but I will go bury it under my covers instead. At least we can barely hear it in our back room, but it is permantly etched and screeching in my ear drum's memory.

sweet dreams!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


so why am i even posting this? to show what desperate measures I took with my precious lineage today. note: I am anti video/tv as babysitter. like I said I was desperate!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

"What works what doesn't?" (this one's for you, E)

My old friend (not old in age, but old in length of friendship) asked me this question about N and A. Hm. I wish I knew...

What works:
Shared Bathtime- They LOVE playing together, especially in the tub. I put them both in at the same time and monitor heavily(which usually includes folding laundry, calling my mom, or knocking out the dishes in the adjoining kitchen). Lots of reminders to "use gentle hands, Autumn doesn't want you to pour water in her face, sit down, it's not time to splash (and, of course) no, stop, don't..."

Then I wash them both, take Autumn out and N stays in for awhile longer by himself. This is when he gets to splash and go buckwild, and I focus on getting A ready for bed.

When they were younger I still put them in together, and carried A's infant seat in to bundle and strap her when she was done with the suds. That time was much more hectic bc I would be trying to change them both and get them both ready for bed at the same time-including a breathing treatment for Noah and feeding for A-it was a very tiresome and challenging routine.

I have since learned to just let it go. They will get to sleep when it happens. Especially in this new life, I can't stress out bc the bath, books, bed routine isn't finished by 9pm sharp. Oh yeah, and it helps SO MUCH to have Carlton around all the time:)

Playpen time- The playpen is the best invention ever. Some people think it cruel to "cage" their precious darlings. I think it's the best think since sliced bread. Autumn has learned that mommy is in charge and when she says "it's play time," or "it's time to rest," or "it's time to read," that's what I mean and she's not getting out till I say so. Sometimes I can send N in there to hang out with her (and-recently-teach her how to climb out), but usually it's her time to focus on the selection of toys, books, etc. that I've given her.

Added bonus: This is the same playpen that Donna donated to us 3 years ago--SCORE!!

What Doesn't:
Folded laundry, empty sink and 3 round meals a day.

My kids eat great-lots of fruits, avacados, yogurt, etc. But. I remember a day a few weeks ago when Autumn's dinner consisted of a cookie. I'm not kidding either. Rather than beat myself up, I recall that she was almost exclusively breastfed until 10 1/2 months so a junky dinner from time to time is child's play in the long run.

As for the laundry, keeping up with two kids is time consuming enough. Add the "big boys," the paperwork, time for Carlton and it's just not worth it. I still do fold their clothes and put them away, but no longer flip out when A busts in the drawers and throws them all over the room. Sometimes they even stay there for a few days (truthfully, more like hours bc I'm still neurotic). However, I almost always have at least three piles of clothes lying around in their room and that's just that.

Anything that involves more than minimal planning/expectations on my part. I have had to learn to JUST LET GO!!! This is still a struggle, but I tell people "I am hoping to walk out the door in five minutes, but the kids may have other plans..." They usually do!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

bumps, scrapes and Autumn wearing Noah's clothes

We like to put A in N's old clothes for bed (look at the knot on her forehead)

"Hey baby sister, that book is upside down..."(and the scrape on his elbow)

"nite nite!!"

I am just in love with my little kids. They are so cute and funny (and highly capable of driving me to the edge of sanity in a matter of seconds). I want to post some pics to catch up from the last bit of time. Now, let's see if the computer will cooperate...not so much, I will ramble intermittdly until then.

I have recently taken up an old hobby of mine, that I stopped when I had Noah. There is a very long and challenging hill on campus that is good to run. When I get the nerve up to brave the wildlife, I do that 3-5 times per run. Today I ran 2 miles at the Y. That was 28 times around the track. I can tell I'm getting back in the groove because I made it without stopping and still had some gas left. If only I could be more consistent with it...

Bubbles-a favorite for everyone:
I love love love that he can blow bubbles. It may seem silly, but when he was struggling to crawl, walk, stand, etc., it just makes me appreciate these moments even moreso!!

right after this pic, Autumn picked up the bottle and dumped the contents on her head

We do not always dress our little girl in her brother's outfits:
Hey Erika, It fits!!

"Do I realllllly have to wear the headband?"

another outfit from the food room (score!!). We also just found two big packs of size 3 diapers in there. God provides, indeed:)

"What planet are you from?!"
Being a houseparent is a world all it's own. Especially in the summer. We are in charge of the kids for 16 hours a day till they go back to school. It's like having your own kids. Except they are not your own kids. They have to be documented and paperworked and there are stipulations to what you can and can't do, say, etc. I no longer get phone calls from anyone besides my parents. I think the last of my friends have written me off as beyond rude for never returning calls.

Hey look, it's the next Danika Patrick...

There are some great perks to houseparenting. Our kids have automatic big brothers, we live rent free, complimentary gym membership, trips to cool local places free of charge, "work" by loving on kids who were not getting their needs met elsewhere (which can be really hard when they don't know how to recieve your love). Overall, it is a great job. Sometimes, I get really frusterated, but for the most part, it is a fantastic setup for a family with little ones of their own.

We live where we work so there is rarely a real "break." The last time we were off, we went to a hotel for three nights. That was fabulous!!! Our own little world where we did not have to "sneak" in the door and ignore the sounds of behavior problems during our down time. My mom is coming down in August so we will get another "hotel vacation." Then I'm hoping to steal away for a long weekend at the Gulf in September. Care to join us???

Pics on a Sunday morning:

I'd love to post many more pictures, but it's taking awhile to upload them. Hope you enjoyed the ones that made it!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

What a steal!!!

I love a good bargain. Garage sales, craig's list, clearance racks...count me in! While my wardrobe has always boasted some nice second hand deals, there is nothing like an Alabama thrift store.

So far I have been to two down here. Every time I go I've had some major thrifting cheer! Here are some pics of recent purchases. If you're like me, you will high five your neighbor when you see these deals.

From the Vapor:
Lincoln Logs, and a stack of board games (around 1.50 each)

cutest little dress and shoes (1.00 each)

dvds for a buck a piece:

From the Alabaster Thrift (deemed by locals "the Alabaster Boutique"):

what a sweet outfit (2.25)

I've also found multiple pairs of cheap earrings that get tons of compliments whenever I wear them. Just some rubbing alcohol on the hooks and I felt safe and stylin!

If you're ever down this-a-way, briing your piggy banks and let's go shopping!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

boys vs. girls (and the new place)

Being the mom of a boy and also the mom of a girl, I can attest that the two are very different. The workers at the YMCA childcare center will agree wholeheartedly that my little munchkins are nothing alike...

Noah will sometimes be so well behaved that I have to blink and make sure it is really him sharing and playing nice with his peers. Usually by the time I open my eyes from the blink, he has sucker puched or tackled some kid while yelling at him to shut up. Then when I ask him why he did that he will say "you don't do that, you don't say that, that's not nice." hmmmm

Autumn on the other hand will play quietly by herself for the entire two and a half hour time limit and the staff seem reluctant to let her go home with me.

Now that we have transitioned from a girls home into a boys home, I have noticed additional differences. The girls we had were minimally dramatic, but had many more needs than our laid back, fun loving boys. I have heard that the big boys are still known to sucker punch in the blink of an eye, but so far the only bully living in our house is my three year old.

(Heard from the porcelin throne: "Look mommy, it looks like a rocket ship!!!" -sigh-what a creative little guy)

warm rain=another alabama treat!


the (looooong) way to civilization.........

our wrap around driveway/yard/woods

the other way down to the wilderness

I love it here. we have found the right church and all 3 of our boys r believers. it's a very amazing season for healing, growth and God's power!!

"I sent you to harvest where you didn't plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest." -John 4:38

Sunday, May 22, 2011

the walmart dog pee

The title is supposed to be an adverb/verb combo (as in describing the action of taking a pee), not a noun (as in not the pee itself).

And it wasn't really a dog. It was Autumn. But the trickle on the floor could have fooled humane society workers. And yes, it was in Walmart.

Some helpful pre-story info: C and I moved to a new home and don't have youth living there yet. We still have to work so we split up and he helps on the boys campus, and I, on the girls. Autumn had joined me at work for the evening and the girls were sick, so she was confined to her stroller for five hours (to avoid the germs everywhere).

As a recent power walking fanatic, she loudly protested this arrangement for a good 45 minutes. To silence her, I gave her bottle after bottle of milk, water, juice, you name it. She peed so much I ran out of diapers, and back up clothes, and had to resort to Noah's pullup and a super dirty sweater. Then I got off work and decided to blow some time waiting for C and N to return from my aunt's house in B-ham. (Our new house is in the middle of an isolated wooded clearing at the end of some very dark and winding roads, so we were going to caravan.

So back to walmart. I was playing the part of hillbilly mommy with baby girl in said outfit (no pants, dirty sweater, oversized pull up), leaning on the cart handle, on the phone, walking slowly, laughing loudly,,, when I noticed a strange look on her face, and a wet trickle on my leg. I looked down and there was pee waterfalling out of her pullup onto the floor-EEK! I looked behind me and there was about a twelve foot trail of drips of pee that looked like a dog had run up the main aisle, midstream-AHHH! I had responsibly left the diaper bag in the van and was convieniently in the MAIN AISLE where they sell bananas and gum and pool noodles and nothing remotely close to a kleenex or paper towel.

Thankfully it was 10:45 at night (add that to the hillbilly mom description-kids out in the store after a decent bedtime)so no one was there but me and my little puppy.

And the trail of pee. I froze and did not know what to do. I couldn't leave the pee, for fear that someone would slip and fall, try to sue, and I would be incriminated by the review of security tapes. I seriously considered that someone should be notified, but did not use that good judgement bc I figured it would air dry soon, right?? I could have used her sweater, but then my kid would have been naked plus leaky pullup. Aye, what an embarassing mess.

I settled for mopping with my new basketball shorts;unpurchased, tag still on. I figured "hey, I tried, I gotta get this kid home and in bed(right??)" and beelined for the nearest checkout lane.

UNFORTUNATELY, the mesh short material more like smeared the pee from a stream into a shallow version of the mississippi river. Fortunately, the lady in the checkout line was so distracted w/ "oh what a cute little girl" that I don't think she noticed the wetness on the shorts as she rang them up. Also on the unfortunate end of the spectrum: The maintenance guys happened to be pushing their mop bucket toward the entrance at the exact moment of my escape. I swear that guy gave me a questioning look.

I can hear my friends who do not have kids thinking any number of amusing thoughts and questions. Like "how nasty that she wiped the pee and then gave the unsuspecting lady the shorts without a second thought!" Shameless. I guess when you have little kids, you just can't and don't care about much more than survival. Right?, Rigggghhhht???!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

pictures!!! (???)

Horray for pictures! It finally worked. Some were mass emailed, but I still want them on the blog for easy access and storage purposes. My virtual photo album, ya know?

Don't let that smile fool you...

Gotta love the hat

"Sweet ma"

my two munchkins


plus kids

equals grandma plus kids

look closely for the chaos (haha)

anyone who knows my sis will know that she is prob saying something hysterically "Karla" (look at her face and the stock still expressions of those around her)what a beautiful bride:)