"Hey baby sister, that book is upside down..."(and the scrape on his elbow)
"nite nite!!"
I am just in love with my little kids. They are so cute and funny (and highly capable of driving me to the edge of sanity in a matter of seconds). I want to post some pics to catch up from the last bit of time. Now, let's see if the computer will cooperate...not so much, I will ramble intermittdly until then.
I have recently taken up an old hobby of mine, that I stopped when I had Noah. There is a very long and challenging hill on campus that is good to run. When I get the nerve up to brave the wildlife, I do that 3-5 times per run. Today I ran 2 miles at the Y. That was 28 times around the track. I can tell I'm getting back in the groove because I made it without stopping and still had some gas left. If only I could be more consistent with it...
Bubbles-a favorite for everyone:
I love love love that he can blow bubbles. It may seem silly, but when he was struggling to crawl, walk, stand, etc., it just makes me appreciate these moments even moreso!!
right after this pic, Autumn picked up the bottle and dumped the contents on her head
We do not always dress our little girl in her brother's outfits:
Hey Erika, It fits!!
"Do I realllllly have to wear the headband?"
another outfit from the food room (score!!). We also just found two big packs of size 3 diapers in there. God provides, indeed:)
"What planet are you from?!"
Being a houseparent is a world all it's own. Especially in the summer. We are in charge of the kids for 16 hours a day till they go back to school. It's like having your own kids. Except they are not your own kids. They have to be documented and paperworked and there are stipulations to what you can and can't do, say, etc. I no longer get phone calls from anyone besides my parents. I think the last of my friends have written me off as beyond rude for never returning calls.
Hey look, it's the next Danika Patrick...
There are some great perks to houseparenting. Our kids have automatic big brothers, we live rent free, complimentary gym membership, trips to cool local places free of charge, "work" by loving on kids who were not getting their needs met elsewhere (which can be really hard when they don't know how to recieve your love). Overall, it is a great job. Sometimes, I get really frusterated, but for the most part, it is a fantastic setup for a family with little ones of their own.
We live where we work so there is rarely a real "break." The last time we were off, we went to a hotel for three nights. That was fabulous!!! Our own little world where we did not have to "sneak" in the door and ignore the sounds of behavior problems during our down time. My mom is coming down in August so we will get another "hotel vacation." Then I'm hoping to steal away for a long weekend at the Gulf in September. Care to join us???
Pics on a Sunday morning:
I'd love to post many more pictures, but it's taking awhile to upload them. Hope you enjoyed the ones that made it!!!