Just got a few pics from when we went to Michigan a month ago. This past month has ZIPPED by. Grandma got really sick and we left to go see her. She got to hang out with me and the kiddos three times before she passed away. We have a great bereavement policy so we were back in the hand for almost two whole weeks:) Once I find my camera cord, I will upload pics and post what I wrote about those last visits. For the first time in my life, I was CERTAIN that the person in the casket would wake up in heaven. That is an awesome peace.
Pics of N and A with their cousins of the same age:

We returned to me having to sift through a total of ten weeks of Medicaid billing, and write and submit a 20 page paper. Medicaid is the worst thing to have to go back through, correct, or re-organize. I have never seen any type of paperwork snowball as fast, or deep as this does. Then the boys were off of school and N & A too, so all you parents know how that goes...7 kids all day every day, lots of busy-ness.
Oh, and I got my grade-an A-horray!!! My GPA is a 3.857. I never cared much about it before, but I am very pleased with this fact! I decided that I need to really focus on my kids and the Big C for now so I did not start class on Monday. EJ will be here in 7 weeks and the class goes for ten. Between everything else that has gone down lately, my degree will have to take the back burner (pun to myself because the fire started on the back burner).
That's what Autumn just stopped saying. She actually saw Carlton catch on fire! Two days ago, she wandered to the spot in the kitchen floor that burned from the pot of grease, and sat right on it. She had her blanket and paci and was just kind of looking around. I think it was her way of making peace with the whole fire thing. She has not mentioned it again, and seems soooooo much more content now that Carlton is home.
He's due in 7 weeks now. Hopefully Carlton will be somewhat healed by then. Last night C got up out of bed and ended up quickly back in because of pain and lightheadedness. He will have a home nurse come out to help me change his dressings every other day. Being a caretaker for your husband is something I didn't think I would experience for decades!
It is a really amazing experience, but I have to stay prayed up for the Lord's strength because it is very taxing mentally, emotionally and physically. Prob increased bc of #3's incessant growing. I have a newfound appreciation and compassion for anyone who has ever been a caretaker themselves. And my husb is not terminally ill, paralyzed or any number of awful circumstances, Plus, it's only day three of me doing it. I've got my head around his 11 medications (11!) and just re-wrapped his arm for the second time since midnight, so I am totally getting the hang of it. Thinking I should have listened to C eons ago and gotten my nursing degree.
"Awwww, mercy, mercy me......"