Carlton and Kelly met on a basketball court many years ago. They were AMAZING team-mates, and destroyed their opponents. Carlton was looking for a wife and Kelly was in a relationship so they kept it "on the court."
A few years later... the two ran into each other, played basketball, and went to eat at Ci-Ci's Pizza (all-u-can-eat). Carlton liked Kelly. Kelly liked Carlton. They decided they wanted to get married. No, not that very same day. They waited almost 6 whole months!!
Carlton proposed on the court where they had met. He was down on one knee with games going on around him. How could she say no? She didn't.
They were married in April. As is typical in Michigan, it snowed. As is typical for anything in Kelly's life, the wedding started late. 2 hours, to be exact. The guests were very gracious. The anniversary cake barely made it past the Honeymoon.

In November, they both just "had a feeling." Kelly had been to a baby shower with millions of pregnant women/ new moms. She said "there's something in the air here, I just know it." She was right.
Little Baby Gould was growing quickly. Carlton's jaw dropped when they found out the sex; a girl! He asked "How do you know?" The doctor laughed and said "Come back next month, then we can be sure." Carlton picked out a beautiful name; Abrielle. Kelly like Elyssa for a middle name. She also preformed daily chest compressions to sustain her husband's heart-rate.
A month later, Baby Gould had grown more than expected. Carlton was thrilled to see proof of a son. He shouted "Yes!" with delight. Now his future daughter would have a first line of defense.

Kelly and Carlton felt the baby kick on the same day. Two weeks later, he officially wanted to meet his parents. At 22 weeks, Kelly began having pre-term labor. The docs stopped it twice. Carlton and Kelly enjoyed many nights in the hospital(looking lovely, of course!).
The third time the contractions intensified, the doctor looked at Kelly, wide-eyed and said "He just tried to grab my hand! You're 8 cm. There is no stopping him now!!!"
Little Noah Canaan was born on April 10, 2008. Aunt Karla received a late b-day present from her sister (she was used to it, remember the tardiness?). Noah proved to be much more of an early bird than his mom. His birth weight was 1 lb. 11 oz. At 24 weeks, he was dubbed a "micro-preemie."

Fast forward months of hospital visits, lots of prayers, ups, downs ins and outs...
Baby Noah finally came home with his mom and dad. He looked just like his father. And here we are; two Carltons and one Kelly.
1 comment:
What a beautiful story! I will now tell anyone who asks to go to! Love ya!
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