Saturday, November 8, 2008

bags,bags,and more bags

If I had a digital camera, you would be astounded to see the bags that have recently appeared under my eyes. I have also begun to take Ibuprofen 3-4 times a week for headaches that never existed before. For some reason I believed that I would escape the sleep deprivation that comes with being a mommy. HAHA! Joke's on me!!

It is amazing that people can function on such a lack of sleep. I don't know how well I actually "function" sometimes. My sentences come out backwards or fade without completion and I wear this half smile that probably says "I have no idea what's going on right now!" (Don't tell anyone, but I ususally DO NOT have any idea what's going on!)

I recently read that REM sleep is the most crucial for those who are lacking. It is also the sleep that new parents tend to slip into the quickest. That's how a ten minute nap can produce such vivid and strange dreams...

A few weeks ago I had one where I was staring in the mirror and I looked like my son. His big eyes and chubby cheeks were staring back at me. It was so strange to see the oversized babyface, and I was just standing there for what seemed like an eternity.

Last night I was also standing at the mirror, this time in my half awake state of reality. That's when I noticed the bags. I must've been staring for what seemed like an actual eternity, because my husband finally said "Honey, what are you doing in there?" "Dreaming about shopping."

1 comment:

Erin the Librarian said...

Hans and I switch off on nights, so that we each get a whole night of sleep every other night. Try it out, you'll feel a lot better.