Sunday, June 28, 2009

with love, to my sis...

GOTCHA!! hehehe

Today was a great day. Here's my recap: I've been praying for patience lately and this am, I didn't even mind that we were late for church (usually I'm annoyed, irritated, or angry). The message was EXACTLY what I needed to keep my spirit up and running, and to make me think about some changes i need to make. Then we had visitors and one young man stood and gave a testimony. Having visitors at church makes me sooooo happy.

I continued to be provided with patience as it seemingly took FOREVER to get home after church, and, just as I was getting ready to visit my family, lost my glasses. It really barely phazed me. I guess by now, I should be used to it. They disappear from time to time and once I even DROVE over them with my CAR before I managed to find them... So, my PATIENT wonderful husband turned them up and I was on my way!!!

Anyhow, I arrived at my cousin's just in time for Noah to meet:
Aunt Joy, Erin, Baby Qwill, and Peyton (and I got hugs from them all!! Oh yeah, except Peyton lol). They were on their way out, but the timing of the Lord provided. I really love my cousin and aunt and I barely get to see them. It was great-ten minutes? I'll take it!!

Next we got to see Aunt Pat, U. Ed, Angie, Mom, Karla, Travis, and then Noah finally met Christine, Jeremy and Gracie. It is soooo cool to introduce my big healthy boy to so many who have prayed for him, but never actually seen him. The food was tasty, Noah loved the pool, and I delivered a special package to my precious darling sister. Yeah, karla, that's right...

Love my family and thank God that we could see them today. What a blessing!!!

PS Noah had a "gift" of his own for his auntie!!

1 comment:

KatiShaw said...

I just read your whole blog... I feel tired now. Miss you all and I love you! Kati