Monday, November 30, 2009


Yes, it's true... Mr. Noah is back in action. Not only did he have 3 doctors appointments last week and two today, but he decided to be readmitted to the hospital last night. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to go back to work.

Actually, I do. We have been so broke for so long and I wanted to go back to work (deep down for selfish reasons). I convinced myself that he was healthy enough to handle being cared for by family members as opposed to day care. The truth is, he still needs to be at home. He is very sick this time. Seriously, I was scared. It reminded me of the day when they told us we were probably going to loose him. Okay, so he wasn't quite THAT sick, but it caused a serious flashback, nonetheless.

He has RSV. The dreaded RSV. The one that he used to get $1000 a month shots to avoid. Well, he has it. He needs constant oxygen and just kinda lays there. They cannot treat it, because it is a virus. So they treat the symptoms (cough, fever, low oxygen levels). My baby boy. I will most definitely be returning to the status of Stay at Home Mom. Probably very soon.

For those of you that continue to pray for us, thank you so much. I can feel the covering of your prayers. My fear only lasted a very short time as I went to the Lord in prayer (again and again He has blessed me with His powerful peace). Philippians 4:6-8. I will stand by this scripture as my lifeline with all of my Noah experiences.

Love you guys-STAY HEALTHY!!!

1 comment:

KatiShaw said...

Kelly and Carlton, I hope he is mmmmuch better by now!!!! I love you and am sorry for his suffering. We will be praying for Noah and you all! Love Love Kati