We found out we are having a girl. There is a name that we both really like, but I'll keep it hush for now. She is apparantly bigger than we expected. My due date has been pushed up to April. I am almost past the time when I delivered Noah, which is just amazing. We are very excited that our family is growing (though some days I wish my belly wouldn't grow quite so quickly-a stretching uterus is hard to explain).
Noah got to practice sharing already. I went shopping for him with a gift card and couldn't resist a cute little girl outfit. She will be spoiled for sure. There are SO MANY boys on my husband's side of the family. On mine, the current b to g ratio of grandkids is 4 to 1. It's over for her, because I can't stand to see little spoiled kids (the teacher in me...).
Noah has been practicing becoming potty trained. For now, it's just fun and games. I think I will try to keep it that way-I hear the boys can be a bit resistant. Plus, we still have 4 months to get it down pact. He is already a pro at feeding himself, and a pretty good listener. Now, if only I could get him to do his own laundry by April...
I am about to start my third Master's class. The books came last week. I'm pretty excited because both classes so far have been very interesting. This one will focus on Educational Theories and the History of Psychology behind them. I don't really know what that means, but it will make me a more aware ex-teacher!
About 6 weeks ago, I discovered that I am a bad mommy. (Really, I'm a great mom, but hear me out). It has been 6 months, SIX MONTHS since I've snapped a picture of my munchkin. This discovery was made with my friend Stacey on the phone. She revealed that she has been taking pics of Noah since Sept. She has been watching him a few days a week for us. It is great because she is great, and Noah gets to play with her son, Josiah. They also used to have a pug- Frankie. So, I hope you enjoy the pictures. Now if I could only find the charger for our camera... It has been MIA since we moved in June.
Still a baby!! (pre-walking)

The chubbiest of cheeks...

This has to be one of my all-time favorites!

Hey Josiah!

Frankie the dog.

He has so much fun playing with Josiah and Stacey!

Knocked out- now that's some good eatin'!

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