I, however, was very surprised when I hopped on the scale. First of all, I couldn't SEE the scale to read it. Interesting, that has never happened to me before! The biggest shocker came when I sashayed my belly and neck around until I finally got a peek......
Yikes!!! 193??!!! I will certainly weigh 200 pounds by the time this pregnancy is over, another first in my life. Well, the belly IS protruding...
According to everything I am reading, the most that she weighs is, like, 2 pounds?? Then you add the 2 pounds of placenta, a few pounds for bigger boobs, enlarged uterus, some water weight, and, hm, I know I am forgetting something.
probably not...
There it is!! The "small piece" of chocolate cake I ate at one am the other night, plus the six pieces of pizza I ate at work this one day.
Yeah, that's where the other 18 pounds came from. I'm pretty sure anyways.
Though I have yet to proclaim " I'm eating for two," I am (surprisingly) not freaking out about it. I say surprisingly because I used to run 10-15 miles a week, play basketball every day, and be an overall health nut. I HAVE started going back to the gym. This move was okayed by the doc, since I have passed the 24 week mark. I spent just under 12 minutes on the bike the other day and then I had some Whoppers and Root Beer on the way home. Oh well, at least I almost worked up a sweat!
SO, I say "24 and more" because big baby girl can't decide when she wants her due date to be. It was originally May 11th, then moved into April and now back to May. I guess I will just tell people "whenever God decides." Noah taught me that due dates are pretty much irrelevant, anyways!
(Man, that kid makes me look pale-lol!)
Yeah! Finally someone else who goes over 200 during their pregnancy! I was WELL over 200 with Nate! I gained over 50 pounds! I had to work hard but lost it all!! You look great Kelly and I am sure you will lose all your baby weight too!!
You look great Kelly!!!!! It is nice to see your doing good, and at least you know you can count on me for already being there... I hit that mark at 21 weeks, add 10 weeks and you'll be able to imagine how much I weigh! But luckily it comes off, even if its not easy. I love you guys and miss you tons!!! Love Kati
You look awesome, Kelly! And that picture of Noah at the bottom is ADORABLE! He is so handsome! And what a little chubby man he has become. Please keep updating the blog because I love hearing about you. Are you still working AND going to school? Take care and I'll talk to you soon. Love, Donna and the Big Boys and all the Chicago peeps who miss you. :o)
Hi 2 KTs and Donna!
You are all so encouraging. It's fun that 2 of you are also having babies soon:) Flanny, when's the next arrival for you guys??
Donna, we call him "fat man" all the time. I make up songs about it daily. Yes to school, and no more to working full time. As of this week, I am down to 2 days a week, yahoo for that!!!
Hey girl! I was able to get to a computer today!!! I love your blog! When did you get a camera? We will have to chat soon.
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