Friday, January 30, 2009

Uh-Oh, a hazard (um, I mean, a crawler!)

Okay, so the stinker is really getting around. It's very cute, and I'm so excited. NOT! He is constantly spewing spit out of every side of his mouth as he travels from here to there. The accompanying noises are HILARIOUS! However, combine the oral developments with his new favorite toys and we have a serious hazard on our hands.

Despite hoards of multi-colored balls, bells, and rattles, the child wants nothing to do with any of it. Ignoring a growing chew-toy collection, he continues to seek out electronic devices and their cords. The X-Box, computer, controllers, cell phone, just now he was chewing on the dehumidifier.

"Why don't you baby proof?" you may be asking yourself. I echo your inquiry. Why don't I baby proof? I have an even better plan. I am going to fill his play area with every cord I can get my hands on. Different colors, lengths, textures, you name it! Then I'm going to blockade all the "safe" baby toys in a corner somewhere, just out of his reach. Maybe then, he'll actually play with them!

1 comment:

Carris Family said...

Hysterical, cause we are dealing with the EXACT same thing. What is it with boys and cords? Molly