So, Carlton, Noah, Juan (my-brother-in-law), and I went downtown to pick up our nephew, Terrence, from the bus stop. The plan was to take them to Ed DeBevic's without telling them a thing about it. (If you don't know, Ed's is a burger joint where the waitstaff are totally rude to the customers.) We began to set the scene before leaving the house:
Carlton: "Honey, we could probably just eat downtown."
Me: "Sounds great, I really want a burger, I'm sure we can find something..."
Juan: (unsuspecting)no comment
Once we got to the bus stop, the Chicago natives helped with the set-up:
Bus Security Officer: "You all unloading? Well you're gonna have to hurry up!!!"
Cars and Taxi Drivers:(HONK!!!!HONK!!!!!HONKHONKHONKHONK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Terrence to Juan: "Dang, they honk a lot."
Carlton: "Yeah, they do that here." (additional conversation about the fast paced and self-centered life in a big city)
So, we arrived and went inside the restaurant. Carlton and I couldn't wait to sit down. We actually had to sit next to each other, or we would have DIED laughing and spoiled the whole thing.
Long story short, the waiter REALLY cut into Juan. Here are a few of my favorite pictures:
My brother-in-law is incredibly patient and sweet, but the guy was very good at his job. At one point, Juan jeered and threw a napkin toward the man in utter disgust. Here's a pic just before the throw...
"Big Chopper" the rudest dude in town (really, he was THAT good!!!)
We had EXCELLENT burgers, Noah ate a ton of sweet potato puffs, and we never did tell Juan or Terrence what was going on. They are completely convinced that Chicagoians are some of the rudest folks around!
(First time in a restaurant high chair-thoroughly sanitized by yours truly...)
If you know anyone with a short fuse or a really good sense of humor, I highly recommend Ed's- on the corner of Ontario and N. Wells. Happy eatin'!
Great pictures!! Good thing Juan's a good sport. :o)
Noah looks so freakin' cute in his big boy diner hat. That restaurant was so fun when I went and we laughed so hard.
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