They are this gangsta rap group from Flint and they have this song called "what's on my mind?" The things on these nice young men's minds are far too obscene for me to type here. I'll opt to let you know what's on MY mind instead...
Social Obligations- I just do not want to answer the phone, go anywhere or see this bad??!!! I'm not feeling blue, but still sooooooo beyond tired and not interested in formalities of any sort!
Soreness-boobs, back, stomach, uterus, round ligaments (i didn't even know what these were till they started stretching during pregnancy-hey! no one told me they hurt just as much shrinking back into place!) etc. I really don't want to turn into a vicadin junkie, but hey, a C-Section IS considered MAJOR surgery and I think I would be more comfy if I hadn't quit taking everything about a week ago...
Oh yeah, and ARMS AND HANDS!!! I need a massage at the Good Health walk-up in the mall:) My lovely husband rubbed my shoulders last night and I almost cried from the pain/relief combo!
Beautiful Children. I am sooooooo blessed to have 2 healthy and lovely children.
1 comment:
apparantly that is the day that I fell off the blogging earth, mid-blog!
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