Saturday, September 25, 2010

the written

update, that is. (Scroll to the headings if you know or don't)

I'm addicted
I really have a love/hate relationship with facebook. Seriously. How can a grown woman with weeks of schoolwork, loads of laundry and decades of child rearing to do spend night after night on fb doing absolutely nothing? I will LITERALLY spend 3-4 hours on there when I am supposed to be writing about ethical dilemmas or something I could care less about. Well lookahere!! I guess that's why I did not get an A in the Ethics class. I am a moody deactivator too, but then I always jump back on. It's kind of like when it took me almost 6 years to stop smoking completely. Facebook stinks....Bleccchhh!!!

I love this. Why did I never take it up before? Oh, I forgot, I did cross stitch an "I love mom" something or other when I was in grade school. And thanks to the middle school home ec teacher, I kind of remember how to sew buttons on... Debra's baby shower is in two weeks so I've really gotta bust a move to finish her baby's quilt. Plus, I will be starting classes again in two weeks, so it's now or never.

Two Kids
Someone once told me that having two kids is 17 times harder than having one. Whenever I find myself with only one, I think that I have just been spoon fed 2 gallons of half melted Cherry Garcia ice cream while I float on a raft in one of those infiniti pools. I actually love and adore having two children. It was the two classes that rocked my world (in a bad way-see below)

Two Classes
Because I thought I would try to be wonderwoman like my friend Becca, I took two online classes when Autumn was 2 months old. Horrible awful no good very bad 2 1/2 months is an exponential understatement. Going from one kid and one class to two kids and two classes is about 80,000,000 times harder. I am sooooo grateful it was only ten weeks. I could have been ruined forever! But God is good and he let me walk right into this mistake to learn a lesson. CALM DOWN AND ENJOY YOUR KIDS, they will give you grandkids before you know it!!!!!!!!!

Three Kids
I have four friends with three kids. Whatupwiththat? My dad would have a heartattack if I wrote a joke about having another one on the way. Don't worry, Dad, I will have to wait till KT Shaw gets pregnant again (we have had 2 pregnancies together), or Donna or Becca who shared the last one with all of us (#4 anyone?).

On to the weightier matters
I have been back in the gym. I have about 15 pounds to go before I reach pre-baby weight. I am determined to get there before the end of the year. Since I only consistently eat three food groups (fruit, veggies, and TOTAL GARBAGE), I think I can make it. Now if you will excuse me, the cherry pie and ice cream I bought are calling my name...


Stacey said...

I love the updates! I also love facebook Josiah will be screaming away in the other room, and I'm on facebook. Is that bad?

KatiShaw said...

no more shared pregnancies I want to remember what it feels like to lean over with out stress...