Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I don't think I have appreciated Mother's Day this much...ever before.

Could be that having two busy babies of my own plue eight teenagers has made me feel more like a washed up mommy each passing moment. Like really, actually dressing up, doing my hair and nails for the first time in MONTHS made me feel like a hottie out of severe hibernation-thanks for getting married Kar!!!

Maybe it was the three seperate weekend deliveries of flowers, cards, beautiful sparkly bracelet, haircut and manicure certificates, perfect movie choice by my husband ("mother and child") and double shots in the bootycheeks that came my way yesterday.

Ahhh, I do not lie about the last one. I have been with this annoying cold for about three months. Hack hack hack hack, complain about the "air quality in our 'valley town' and apartment" hack hack hack off and on since January, typically all night long and frequently accompanied by throwing up-hey, I thought it was asthma back from the dead.

Carlton and I finally dragged my (our) exhausted butt(s) into the doctor's office yesterday and they found some OLD bronchitis and a butt muscle on each side. My shots arrived just as I was laughing hysterically at him for having to get a double dose of his own.

So we feel like new people (less 200.00 worth of co-pays and meds-Autumn had a double ear infection so bad that she burst her ear drum=ear discharge+screaming GALORE). But we feel like normal humans again. There you have it folks, those bootyshots work wonders- I'll tell you we almost have no desire to finish the ten extra days of antibiotics they put us on. But we will oblige. Oh and check this out...NOAH was healthy the whole trip to and from michigan!!! I guess his immune system is supreme now-must be all those prayers he's getting. It is awesome:)

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