Monday, October 6, 2008

Can it be?

Yes, it's true! Almost six months have passed (on the 10th). Noah is tube free and "acting like a real baby" (according to his speech therapist). He still has to wear wires for a bradycardia monitor (fancy talk for a breathing and pulse monitor). It's very fun when he squirms out of the leads at 3 am. The alarm is SUPER loud!!!

He's still on a few medications, but most have been weaned. The latest was his caffeine, and I couldn't be happier about it!!

Since his adjusted age is 2 months old, his development is all over the place. His fine motor skills are closer to 2 months, but his strength is closer to 6. He is eating cereal (like a 6 monther), but sleeps as much as a 2 monther (thanks to no more caffeine).

He meets with a physical therapist every week. Development and speech come bi-monthly. His Drs. appointments are no longer daily. I think we have 3 weeks until the next one!!! He will get a monthly special shot to protect him from RSV as soon as the hospital gets them. Still no day care, his immune system needs more time...

Hope you enjoyed the update and the pictures!!

Mommy's favorite picture! (Quilt cmpliments of the talented Erika Thornton)

Gearing up to go...

Stronger every day!

Pouty face!

The shirt says "Speedy's Delivery Service." (Sense of humor in dire times, compliments of Jessica Markell)

I thought he'd NEVER fit in it!!! Actually, I think THIS one's my favorite...

Hey there!


"Hey! I thought you said 'just one more'!!"

No, wait!! THIS is my favorite!!!

One of our many "chats"

A smile with mama

"Yikes, Mama!"

1 comment:

Dan and Kate plus Nate said...

YEAH! Welcome to the world of blogging. Seriously Kelly, Noah is SO ADORABLE! What a cutie! I am so glad that everything is going well!