(These are the only pics I have of G-pa and Noah on the computer. I will have to solve this problem soon!)
So, Grandpa called last night to tell us he's been exposed to a cold that became bronchitis. Uh-oh.....no Grandpa!!
I have spoken with some other preemie parents and found the following to be pretty standard among them. Cold and flu season means quarantine for the baby. Due to an increased risk of RSV, they do not take chances by letting children, or parents of children visit. They do not take the baby out, and anyone with a sniffle, sneeze, sore throat, etc. just cannot see the baby.
Why all the big deals? It's just a cold, right?
I felt this way for awhile. Then I did some research. Turns out that RSV is one of MANY MANY viruses that can cause a common cold. However, if an adult (or healthy kid) has it, they may have "just a cold." If a preemie, or even a "healthy" newborn contracts RSV, they could become very ill (pneumonia or bronchitis), require respiratory assistance (canula, or at worst; ventilator), loose coordination when eating, become and remain hospitalized, and other "Yikes!" occurrences.
Therefore; no Grandpa. :(
(The bigger blue and clear tube is the ventilator. It's shoved down his trachea and hooked up to a big machine that breathed for Noah. He was very resistant to coming off the vent (it took almost 2 months). When he developed a serious infection, his lungs were hit and scarred pretty badly. Thank God for modern technology!!!)
(When Noah finally graduated from the vent, he moved on to the nasal canula. He had to be re-hospitalized and re-"intubated" for an eye surgery in August. The re-intubation freaked me out more than the surgery or hospitalization!!!)
Upon further research, I found out that babies usually acquire a temporary immune system (antibodies), via placenta, during the 3rd trimester. Since the eager munchkin did not stay in there till the 3rd trimester, he received no immune system from mom!! This leaves him extra susceptible. Things like church and other "crowds" become "iffy" and not recommended during the C&F season. The RSV virus can even survive on hard surfaces for hours (doorknobs, countertops, if you're still reading this, buy some hand sanitizer!).
However, by this time next year, he will be developing his very own brand new, top of the line immune system and will be much stronger!!! Oh yeah, and there are these $1,000 a pop shots called Synagis. Noah will need to get them monthly for the first 2-3 years during C&F. They will not prevent him from getting RSV, by can cut the outcome in half, in case he does. Thank goodness for Illinois AllKids Insurance!!!
I am also grateful that God has been having me read the gospels. The miraculous healings and miracles that Jesus preformed are so encouraging!! All it took was the faith of many parents, and their children were healed; even brought back to life!!!
If you are a friend or family member, and we don't come to see you this winter, I hope you understand!! Not that you're all super germ-infested, or anything!!! Or... I think we still have some of those white hospital masks...
(The Masked Maiden; a conscientious visit from A. Carra)
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