Friday, March 19, 2010

Hey Autumn!

So, our little mama is 33 weeks and some days. She is in the 97% percentile-weighing over 5 pounds!! HER mama has gained 43 pounds-oley canoley! A c-section is scheduled for Wednesday, April 21st at 9am. Her face was comfortably smashed in my right hip socket-the pictures look like she is making fish faces on a window.

Very strange indeed, but I think she has Carlton's lips. She also had fat cheeks, which Noah did not develop for a few months. I hope she gets some of the color changing eyes that run in my family. That would be very cute, especially when she's a teenager and my husband has to be reminded of all the light-skinned, pretty eyed girls he used to chase-lol;). We shall see... and soon!


Anonymous said...

kelly, my darling, what will you call your blog once little autumn arrives?

Unknown said...

Um and also my name should be included in the blog since I am your family too! :) And horray for my baby Autumn!! I love her soo much!

Chanelle said...

Awww she sounds like shes going to be just as adorable as her brother! Tell Carlton I said, good thinking! Having a son AND THEN a daughter, means that you have back up, start shining up that shot gun Dad, especially if she is as pretty as her mama :-)

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

Oh stooooop, Chanelle. No wait, keep it going!!! LOL!!!