So, without further ado, here is my friend Debra. She has recently received a "facelift" of her own! I am so proud of her, she has been doing Jenny Craig for 8 weeks and lost 14 lbs. Go Debra!!

I am slightly disappointed that I have managed to pick up her extra pounds, but she promises to go walking with me once I have Autumn. By the way, Debra likes to point out that my kids are actually hers. Noah does look more like her than me, and loves to talk to her on the phone. She even posted virtual scrapbook pages claiming him as her own:

We met when we were both hired to teach at City Mission Academy. We pray together, text, talk, ramble, laugh and are great at accepting each other without judgment and with lots of love and support. I have only known her since Sept., but I can't imagine my life without her. She is funny and inspiring and faithful to the Lord-among a zillion other attributes... I love you Deb!!!

2 comments: almost made me shed some tears!!!! LOL I love you too! Hey and you and I know that I am auntie/momma debra! THANks...and correction I have lost 17lbs!!! lmao oooooh yeah!!! you can't hold me back weight! 3 more lbs and I am at the BIG 20!!!! LOL it always sounds so much better when you say I lost 20lbs or 30lb etc. So horray for me! And U know what I love that you have all that weight...your so cute!! LOL And my baby is so Healthy!!! LOL and you didnt tell them about my twin sis at the top pic! Her names Dayna (yes i have always had a twin named Dayna before the one we met at CMA)
WELL!!! thats all! and I want you to change your posting thing...its so complicated! lol
just tell me how, tech-for-brains...
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