I was facebooking. Not doing my homework, not writing my paper, not doing anything productive. Facebooking. I just wanted 10 minutes with no munchkin interruptions. Wanted to spy on my friends and see what they've been up to since I cancelled my account in October. Noah was in his room with the baby gate and I even remembered to put the garbage on top of his changing table.
He was being very quiet. All you mommys know that is not a good sign. Like I said, hooked in facebookland. After about 5 minutes, I called out to him. Usually I get a "Mommy" or another type of babble. Nothing.
When I finally got my self up and down the hall, this is what my little sweetie pie surprised me with...
He smelled so good, he didn't even need a bath!!!
Peyton did this when he was about that age, but it was much, much worse. He emptied the ENTIRE bottle. Everything in his room had to be vacuumed, washed, swept and wiped down. Tot his day, you can see baby powder between the cracks in the floorboards.
Oh that's great! I'm glad it was the travel size, then. We have this industrial bottle and I'm sure he would have been quiet for much longer. See you guys tomorrow!!!
my kids have done that too!(( And Ellery did it with poop once. EEEKKKKK!!!)
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