Monday, February 1, 2010

"Eat Eat!"

Every toddler deserves a self-feeding blog debut. His first words involved eating (cracker, cup, bottle - forget mommy or daddy!). His first clearly spoken double syllable was "Eateat," which he says ALL THE TIME. And eating is a favorite past-time for both of us, so here it is.

Though I don't always like to let him feed himself, I was very impressed with how clean HE stayed with this spaghetti (notice I didn't say anything about the tray). When I got the camera, I actually thought to myself "Maybe we won't need a bath, since he did such a good job.

Just a little on the arms...

and kind of alot on the face...

and now he's noticing it on his arm...

and hand, and now he's smacking himself on the head...

guess we have to have a bath after all!"

Oh well, I'm sure I will be happy for all the extra mess when he is a polished self-feeder by the time Autumn arrives! Right? Um, guys, right???

1 comment:

Donna said...

Rub a dub dub, TWO babies in the tub - that's my vote! :o)