Another thing that I am grateful for is the washer and dryer that are now in our basement! This is AWESOME!!! I love doing laundry now! I take a load downstairs, use the best laundry detergent ever, and a few hours later, I am happily folding away. It TOTALLY beats digging up quarters, lugging a million clothes and Noah to the germ infested laundry mat and waiting for 3 hours with babies screaming, abundant cigarette smoke, and trying to keep him from contracting hepatitis!

These are both things that would probably irritate me if we had not had our "wilderness" experience in Illinois. Others things I used to take for granted: food in the fridge, gas in the car, difficult life lessons... Thank you, Jesus for the gift of gratitude. Please help me to complain less and be grateful more!
"Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: REJOICE!!!"
-Philippians 4:4
I will just have to say....YAY! I think its WONDERFUL to be SOOOO BIG!!! that means HEAlTHY!!!! HAHAHA....but seriously.....and I am glad your not like offended...because we would have some issues (problems) cause I think your cute! And I love you and my BABY! YAY! I cant wait to see her! Hmm...i think you should make me the GOd Mother...yep! I decided that for you! I mean why not...?? No one will love her just as much as you and as WOULD...I mean NO ONE! LOL (lol i know family will love her but shes my baby, who bought her her first outfit???) Momma Debra!!!! Okay enough of that...
I also wanted to say that you are indeed the silliest person EVER! WHO lOVES Laundry?? LOL you shoud listen to this song by R Kelly and Nievea called Laundry its really funny!
Also I am happy that God is giving you the gift of (not caring what others think because he the only one that matters) Gratitude! LOL dont mind my silliness...
WELL!!!! I love ya...and I love the babies!! Especially Little Autumn Maria!!! in GOd! sorry for not clarifying! lol
I couldnt be more excited for you guys! I cant wait to meet the new addition that- lounges on your hip and curly hair gives you heart burn ;-). Speaking of hair- wont it be fun to play in your baby girl's hair!?! Hooray for pink! Woo Hoo!! God bless you all :-)
um, yeah, since i don't even do my own hair! I will never leave my girl high and dry like my mom did LOL i will have to upload some elementary school frizzhead pics and you ALL can get some good bellylaughs!!!
I will do her hair! lol
You questioning my abilities? Lol-you'd better take care of YOUR baby anyways!!!
lol! We can exchange pics! I have pics of long frizzy hair...BIG HAIR! I dont know why my mother was into that and I dont do my hair either lol its just too much....Anywho! I learned how to do hair on my dolls and then later on myself and sisters. I will be happy to teach you all that I know :-D !
No worries...just send her to her MOM...(me) and I will hook her up!!! lol
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