I was gonna take guesses, but forgot that the nurses had a sense of humor and named Noah's "twin." Isn't that amazing? Carlton said it was almost the size of a football. It weighed 3 times as much as the boy.
I woke up thinking about it today, along with all the miracles that God has allowed me to see. And to think, Autumn weighs almost as much as it did. Plus, she doesn't have to fight it for space-thanks God and big brother for getting it out of the way!!
Oh my! I was wondering what that was...
Kelly, I am glad that that birth is over. It was so scary!!! Enjoy your second chance! I think it really is awesome that you have been able to have a normal pregnancy, it is so cool, and you are so great, that I am glad that you get to experience it with out a big complication. * I read somewhere that stress can cause those to grow, is that true? If so, and even so, I am glad that you aren't in IL anymore. Relax, and enjoy the next two months with just Noah!! Love you, Kati
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