Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Grandma came to visit was great! She arrived at 10 am, and Autumn woke up just in time to greet her.

She came bearing gifts of clothes for the kids and I, some great job leads for Carlton, and 3 bottles of Melaleuca laundry detergent (she must know that I do about a million loads of laundry a week...)

We went for an outing. Ice cream + pet store = fun fun fun, I love when my mom visits:)

DQ-Glad it stayed open a few extra weeks

Mojo the parrot

Autumn couldn't get enough of the birds

And the kittens couldn't get enough of Noah

Then back to the house for the sign songs DVD

love you mom, can't wait to see you again:)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

did she just stay for the day? Josiah LOVES going to pet stores!