I'm not sure if Mylanta is the one that cures constipation, or not, but we have discovered an interesting alt-remedy for Noah's constipation. Yes, now that I'm a mom, my discretion has gone out the window (if you know me well, you're probably asking yourself "what discretion?!").
The kid will not go for days and days... Then, like clockwork, when we're out in public, he starts making these funny LOUD noises that sound like a squeaking puppy. Sure enough, the air is soon filled with a lovely aroma...
He has done this new trick at the library, the doctor's office (when I did not have his diaper bag because we were only there for a FIVE MINUTE shot!!), at Donna's house (moments after our arrival), and today, at the bank. Talk about a converstion starter!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Yea For Big Boys!!!
ReCap of Last Week:
Noah and I got to play with the big boys last Monday. Unfortunately, the big boy shoes were left at home. We did have fun, though!!

(For those of you that don't know, Donna is my germphobe pal. For the first few months that we knew each other, she did not touch my kid and I did not touch hers. We admired from afar and eyed each other's sanitization habits.)
Thursday marked the coolest thing ever for me... my 2 guys and I took a REEEAAALLLLLLLYYYYYY long nap together!! (Who would have thought that a 3-person nap would ever be a highlight???)
On Friday night, Laura and John watched Senor Wiggleworm for our first date in months... Laura reported that John and Noah watched football, and Noah learned some plays! She also lent me a book called "Shepherding a Child's Heart." I can't wait to read it!
After completing a thorough inspection of all parties involved, Donna and the Big Boys offered to sit for Noah, so Carlton and I went to another movie on Saturday night. Here's a super cute pic she and her husband, Eric, took of the 3 guys...

So, thanks to the Mawers and the Culhanes, the Goulds had 2 dates in one weekend and are ready to dive back into parenting head on!!!!
A special thanks to Liam, also! He is an AWESOME babysitter!
(ADDED BONUS: everyone stayed HEALTHY!!! Horray!)
Noah and I got to play with the big boys last Monday. Unfortunately, the big boy shoes were left at home. We did have fun, though!!

(For those of you that don't know, Donna is my germphobe pal. For the first few months that we knew each other, she did not touch my kid and I did not touch hers. We admired from afar and eyed each other's sanitization habits.)
Thursday marked the coolest thing ever for me... my 2 guys and I took a REEEAAALLLLLLLYYYYYY long nap together!! (Who would have thought that a 3-person nap would ever be a highlight???)
On Friday night, Laura and John watched Senor Wiggleworm for our first date in months... Laura reported that John and Noah watched football, and Noah learned some plays! She also lent me a book called "Shepherding a Child's Heart." I can't wait to read it!
After completing a thorough inspection of all parties involved, Donna and the Big Boys offered to sit for Noah, so Carlton and I went to another movie on Saturday night. Here's a super cute pic she and her husband, Eric, took of the 3 guys...

So, thanks to the Mawers and the Culhanes, the Goulds had 2 dates in one weekend and are ready to dive back into parenting head on!!!!
A special thanks to Liam, also! He is an AWESOME babysitter!
(ADDED BONUS: everyone stayed HEALTHY!!! Horray!)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Migration Refusal
I have some very stubborn birds outside my window. This morning, when I woke up to this:

I heard the whole family chirping it up! Why they are still here is beyond me. These are my top theories for the morning:
1.They are afraid throngs of cicadas will be returning soon to steal their home.
2.They are lazy.
3.Their nest is a bird-mansion.
4.Their parents neglected to teach them about migration.
5.They like me.
Speaking of migration, remember the year of the tsunami? All these scientists said the Earth was tilted X-amount of degrees on its axis, as a result (AMAZING!).
So, that following spring, I was out for a walk and I noticed these strange birds at the park. They had big duck-like bills and duck colored feet, but were MASSIVE (as far as ducks go). There were a couple dozen of them and they seemed very friendly, walking close to me and honking their cute honks.
In speaking to a man that looked like one of the local bums, I discovered that the birds usually migrated to the Toledo area (1/2 hour south of where we were). He theorized that the axis tilt had knocked some migratory patterns slightly off course.
The birds continued to return each spring until I moved. I used to feed them with 3 yr. old Lute. They would eat right out of our hands and he would laugh and laugh!!!Later, I learned they are called White Fronted Geese. These ones were so pretty that they made the normal geese look like bums...

I heard the whole family chirping it up! Why they are still here is beyond me. These are my top theories for the morning:
1.They are afraid throngs of cicadas will be returning soon to steal their home.
2.They are lazy.
3.Their nest is a bird-mansion.
4.Their parents neglected to teach them about migration.
5.They like me.
Speaking of migration, remember the year of the tsunami? All these scientists said the Earth was tilted X-amount of degrees on its axis, as a result (AMAZING!).
So, that following spring, I was out for a walk and I noticed these strange birds at the park. They had big duck-like bills and duck colored feet, but were MASSIVE (as far as ducks go). There were a couple dozen of them and they seemed very friendly, walking close to me and honking their cute honks.
In speaking to a man that looked like one of the local bums, I discovered that the birds usually migrated to the Toledo area (1/2 hour south of where we were). He theorized that the axis tilt had knocked some migratory patterns slightly off course.
The birds continued to return each spring until I moved. I used to feed them with 3 yr. old Lute. They would eat right out of our hands and he would laugh and laugh!!!Later, I learned they are called White Fronted Geese. These ones were so pretty that they made the normal geese look like bums...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Normally, I wouldn't dream of posting such a terrible pic of myself (actually, yes, I would:). However, I am just blown away by the miracle of my son. Those of you who have been with us since April have heard it all before, but I simply CANNOT get over it!!
Today was a big day for gratitude. I was nannying and the other boys were asleep. I crawled over to my happy little guy and just had to PRAISE GOD for his life!! I remember that he is a miracle, often. But today, it just REALLY hit me!!! I lay down next to him and just stared into his beautiful eyes....
On the way home, there was a snowstorm, so I took a different route. I ended up stopped by the hotel where we stayed when Noah had to be transferred (he was extremely tiny and ill). If you know me, you know I just started bawling!!! My windows were fogged up almost instantly and I kept turning around to (again) look at my precious gift!! Good thing traffic was at a standstill-Chicago drivers LOVE their horns!
The 3rd time for mom's tears came at bed-time. Noah was squirming ALL over the place, and I sang him the same song I've sang since his birth. As the familiar tune began to settle the munchkin, I was reminded of the days when I called up to the hospital throughout the night to check on him. All I could do was look forward to the time when Noah would be home, with us, at night. And there he was, tonight, home with me and in my arms. Thank you, Jesus!
Monday, December 15, 2008
2 Grandmas and a holler
So, I finally got some more pics from Michigan. Since people usually read a blog once, I will post them here (as well as any more that I eventually get developed).
Granny Ann is like "What does this boy think he's doing?!"

2 Grandsons and a Gramma

Horray for cousins!! (Even if they can't touch or breathe on each other)

I should probably get Chanelle and Yolanda to share some of their 50 pics they took on their cell phones!! LOL

Or I can just develop the cameras my dad brought, now where did they go...
Granny Ann is like "What does this boy think he's doing?!"

2 Grandsons and a Gramma

Horray for cousins!! (Even if they can't touch or breathe on each other)

I should probably get Chanelle and Yolanda to share some of their 50 pics they took on their cell phones!! LOL

Or I can just develop the cameras my dad brought, now where did they go...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Welcome Badgers fans!
So, my aunt, uncle and two cousins came to visit us today. It was so nice to see them. My cousins are the "babies" of the family, but they are both taller than my husband. I was just looking at old family pics (when they actually were babies), so it was AMAZING to see them turning into young men!
They've lived in Wisconsin all my life. Now that we're in Illinois, I've seen Aunt Amy and Uncle Tim 4 times as much (literally!). Highlights of their visit: remembering back to when they visited me in the hospital and Noah's diaper was SO TINY (but still too big on him)
When Carlton dropped a "Noah bomb" on an unsuspecting Brett,
Aunt Amy and Uncle Tim holding him (in their Badger's gear),
and hearing about Adam's "Real Job"-enjoy the Cadillac:)
It was great to see you guys, thanks for making the trip!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Work it out...
I was talking to my friend earlier today, and telling her about joining the gym. There was a 2 for 1 special and we couldn't resist. The gym is open 24/7 (which means I can boast about it, but will probably never go after 4 pm). It also offers day care for $1 per hour (too bad I'll never use that feature, either). I will however, utilize the stationary bike.
I LOVE the stationary bike. It is the lazyman's dream for working out. You are sitting on your butt and there is a TV 1 1/2 feet from your face. How hard can that be? If you want to actually work up a sweat, there are handlebars on the sides of you, so you don't even need to lift your arms. You can grab on, grit your teeth, and go for it!
So, I ran out to the store to get diapers and realized that I still had 25 minutes b4 my husband had to leave for work. I made a very committed decision: I drove up the street to the gym, jumped out of the car, ran to the door, swiped my super-cool membership card, looked at the clock, beelined for the bike, jumped on, grabbed the handlebars, and pedaled like a MADWOMAN!!! There was an older man on the bike next to me, and I think he barely found the pedals by the time I had cycled 3 miles! I jumped off the bike, eyed the clock, grabbed the sanitizer, wiped the bike down, returned the sanitizer and bolted for the car.
I was very sweaty and very proud to have burned all those calories in only 14 minutes. On the way home, I grabbed a Snickers bar to celebrate! I can't wait to do it again the next time Noah needs diapers.
I LOVE the stationary bike. It is the lazyman's dream for working out. You are sitting on your butt and there is a TV 1 1/2 feet from your face. How hard can that be? If you want to actually work up a sweat, there are handlebars on the sides of you, so you don't even need to lift your arms. You can grab on, grit your teeth, and go for it!
So, I ran out to the store to get diapers and realized that I still had 25 minutes b4 my husband had to leave for work. I made a very committed decision: I drove up the street to the gym, jumped out of the car, ran to the door, swiped my super-cool membership card, looked at the clock, beelined for the bike, jumped on, grabbed the handlebars, and pedaled like a MADWOMAN!!! There was an older man on the bike next to me, and I think he barely found the pedals by the time I had cycled 3 miles! I jumped off the bike, eyed the clock, grabbed the sanitizer, wiped the bike down, returned the sanitizer and bolted for the car.
I was very sweaty and very proud to have burned all those calories in only 14 minutes. On the way home, I grabbed a Snickers bar to celebrate! I can't wait to do it again the next time Noah needs diapers.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Yes, Michigan...
the feeling foreevvver... Does anyone else remember that cheesy slogan from back in the day? They should bring it back, as it might help to increase Michigan tourism. Isn't that what all the hype is about these days? It would totally work on nostalgia-fanatics like myself.
Due to an increase in loneliness, and a decrease in gas prices, we packed up last minute and headed back to the good old hand for a visit. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see ALL of our family and friends. My blood pressure wouldn't have allowed for that anyways. We did, however get to introduce Noah to his Grandpa, Aunt, and Uncle.
It was so wonderful to be back around those who know and love us. I can't believe it had almost been a year since we moved to Illinois (which has some VERY friendly people (like Donna), and much colder weather). Among the highlights were: getting to see and talk to our Pastor, staying with my mother-in-law, my sister mom and travis driving down for a quick visit, my dad and Carol coming by, too, Noah staying healthy, and driving home with my amazing husband:)
Oh, yeah, and our old Bible Study pals stopped by with some diapers and laughs-it was so so great to see everybody! Hopefully the spring will come soon so Noah can be past his first cold and flu season! Then our lease will be over and maybe we will move back...
More pictures coming soon (er or later!)
Look at that Big Ole Noggin!

Hey, can I borrow your eyelashes? What's with this goofy face? I guess he takes after me. Soooooooo many people ask if he's a boy or a girl. It seems to increase when he's wearing blue overalls, or boy colored jumpers. Oh, well, he is pretty!!

Aunt Karla- the reason we didn't get home till Sunday night:)
Due to an increase in loneliness, and a decrease in gas prices, we packed up last minute and headed back to the good old hand for a visit. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see ALL of our family and friends. My blood pressure wouldn't have allowed for that anyways. We did, however get to introduce Noah to his Grandpa, Aunt, and Uncle.
It was so wonderful to be back around those who know and love us. I can't believe it had almost been a year since we moved to Illinois (which has some VERY friendly people (like Donna), and much colder weather). Among the highlights were: getting to see and talk to our Pastor, staying with my mother-in-law, my sister mom and travis driving down for a quick visit, my dad and Carol coming by, too, Noah staying healthy, and driving home with my amazing husband:)
Oh, yeah, and our old Bible Study pals stopped by with some diapers and laughs-it was so so great to see everybody! Hopefully the spring will come soon so Noah can be past his first cold and flu season! Then our lease will be over and maybe we will move back...
More pictures coming soon (er or later!)
Look at that Big Ole Noggin!

Hey, can I borrow your eyelashes? What's with this goofy face? I guess he takes after me. Soooooooo many people ask if he's a boy or a girl. It seems to increase when he's wearing blue overalls, or boy colored jumpers. Oh, well, he is pretty!!

Aunt Karla- the reason we didn't get home till Sunday night:)

Day 3
So, the excitement of the daycare left me on the verge of a stroke! If you do not know about the daycare excitement, scroll down 2 blogs, and read that first...
I rushed out of the infant room at racecar speed. Son in one hand, keys in the other. It's a shame, really; minus the boogers, those kids were cute!
Six weeks have passed and I still find myself eyeing little nostrils wherever I go. Yesterday, I was in the hospital for hours. (Waiting for busy doctors has become a part of our weekly life.) Noah and I were the only ones in one of the waiting rooms, so we stayed (as opposed to moving to the hall).
After about 5 minutes of solitude, a woman walked her stroller and 7 yr. old in to join us. She and I chit-chatted it up for a few minutes, and the little girl sat down to color. We were having a funny conversation about how kids are SO big these days, when I noticed enormous hacking noises coming from the 7 yr. old. I looked at her and she started rubbing her nose with the back of one hand, while continuing to color with the other.
She began turning toward her mom and I, trying to contribute to the conversation. Suddenly, I kid you not, I saw a slow motion SPRAY of germ-infested spit fly from her un-covered mouth ALL over the community crayon bucket. I subtly whisked my son into the hallway-pretending to show him the lights, the wall, and other "fascinating" fixtures.
Immediately after they were called out of the waiting room, another woman entered. This time, there were three children in tow. The boy went for the fish tank and the girls beelined for the crayons. I watched in horror as they smiled, laughed, passed crayons, and spread the whooping cough all over themselves. Then the mom called the little one over to brush her hair, and she became infected as well.
Just watching the scene, I felt the need to wash my hands repeatedly. The mother kept giving me and Noah this “I would love to talk to you about your baby” smile. I hope mine didn’t say “You are INSANE for letting your children touch those crayons, lady!” Seriously, I’m going to need to work on this germaphobe thing, or Noah is going to be a recluse!!
I rushed out of the infant room at racecar speed. Son in one hand, keys in the other. It's a shame, really; minus the boogers, those kids were cute!
Six weeks have passed and I still find myself eyeing little nostrils wherever I go. Yesterday, I was in the hospital for hours. (Waiting for busy doctors has become a part of our weekly life.) Noah and I were the only ones in one of the waiting rooms, so we stayed (as opposed to moving to the hall).
After about 5 minutes of solitude, a woman walked her stroller and 7 yr. old in to join us. She and I chit-chatted it up for a few minutes, and the little girl sat down to color. We were having a funny conversation about how kids are SO big these days, when I noticed enormous hacking noises coming from the 7 yr. old. I looked at her and she started rubbing her nose with the back of one hand, while continuing to color with the other.
She began turning toward her mom and I, trying to contribute to the conversation. Suddenly, I kid you not, I saw a slow motion SPRAY of germ-infested spit fly from her un-covered mouth ALL over the community crayon bucket. I subtly whisked my son into the hallway-pretending to show him the lights, the wall, and other "fascinating" fixtures.
Immediately after they were called out of the waiting room, another woman entered. This time, there were three children in tow. The boy went for the fish tank and the girls beelined for the crayons. I watched in horror as they smiled, laughed, passed crayons, and spread the whooping cough all over themselves. Then the mom called the little one over to brush her hair, and she became infected as well.
Just watching the scene, I felt the need to wash my hands repeatedly. The mother kept giving me and Noah this “I would love to talk to you about your baby” smile. I hope mine didn’t say “You are INSANE for letting your children touch those crayons, lady!” Seriously, I’m going to need to work on this germaphobe thing, or Noah is going to be a recluse!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I am reminded today to take a time-out to praise God!! For any of you who are non-believers, I encourage you to read on anyways. Fight any urge you may have to turn the other cheek at the mention of the name of Jesus. He is AMAZING!!!
I know that Christianity has acquired a bad rep, especially in my own generation. Lots of people feel like the church is, and Christians are judgemental, hypocritical and the like. But I am here to tell you (judgemental church, or not) that Jesus Christ is Lord!! He is loving and gracious and I would not be where I am today without Him. I am BLESSED!!!
It's not that I'm a millionaire, or blessed in a material sense. No, no! I have not won the lottery, or bought a new car, or found a hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk (darn!). It actually seems to be quite the opposite. We have been through a crazy and horrible experience. We are far far away from our families, lost jobs and a home, haven't been to our church in almost a year, receive about 10 calls a day from bill collectors, and yet I am at peace. For the first time in my entire life, I am at peace.
Not the "Zen" or "Buddhist" or "Hippie" peace I used to proclaim, but a truely deep sense of peace. I KNOW that everything is okay. I know that I will continue to be taken care of, that my needs will be met if I just focus on the Lord. That He will continue to provide for my family. That my marriage is a blessing and He will help our love to flourish. I am learning that the deepest needs, and the best blessings are spiritual. And I just want to take time to Praise God for this. Now if only I COULD find that hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk (just kidding-though it would be nice!!!).
If you are a believer, I pray that God continue to show you His truths. I pray that you are strengthened by the fact that He loves you so much!! I pray that Jesus continues to change and shine in your heart! If you are not a believer, than I hope and pray that you do not allow the rep of the church to give Jesus a bad rep as well. Listen to the deepest part of your heart, and you will know that He is there. My pastor reminded me; "Church is not a showcase for saints, but a hospital for sinners." I just want you all to know that Jesus is AMAZING! (I think I already said that...) Have a blessed day no matter who you are!
Oh yes, and remember to search the scriptures. This is the one I found yesterday "...for I am with you and I will take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken." -Jeremiah 1:19 Probably helps to explain the peace!!
I know that Christianity has acquired a bad rep, especially in my own generation. Lots of people feel like the church is, and Christians are judgemental, hypocritical and the like. But I am here to tell you (judgemental church, or not) that Jesus Christ is Lord!! He is loving and gracious and I would not be where I am today without Him. I am BLESSED!!!
It's not that I'm a millionaire, or blessed in a material sense. No, no! I have not won the lottery, or bought a new car, or found a hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk (darn!). It actually seems to be quite the opposite. We have been through a crazy and horrible experience. We are far far away from our families, lost jobs and a home, haven't been to our church in almost a year, receive about 10 calls a day from bill collectors, and yet I am at peace. For the first time in my entire life, I am at peace.
Not the "Zen" or "Buddhist" or "Hippie" peace I used to proclaim, but a truely deep sense of peace. I KNOW that everything is okay. I know that I will continue to be taken care of, that my needs will be met if I just focus on the Lord. That He will continue to provide for my family. That my marriage is a blessing and He will help our love to flourish. I am learning that the deepest needs, and the best blessings are spiritual. And I just want to take time to Praise God for this. Now if only I COULD find that hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk (just kidding-though it would be nice!!!).
If you are a believer, I pray that God continue to show you His truths. I pray that you are strengthened by the fact that He loves you so much!! I pray that Jesus continues to change and shine in your heart! If you are not a believer, than I hope and pray that you do not allow the rep of the church to give Jesus a bad rep as well. Listen to the deepest part of your heart, and you will know that He is there. My pastor reminded me; "Church is not a showcase for saints, but a hospital for sinners." I just want you all to know that Jesus is AMAZING! (I think I already said that...) Have a blessed day no matter who you are!
Oh yes, and remember to search the scriptures. This is the one I found yesterday "...for I am with you and I will take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken." -Jeremiah 1:19 Probably helps to explain the peace!!
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