Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Migration Refusal

I have some very stubborn birds outside my window. This morning, when I woke up to this:

I heard the whole family chirping it up! Why they are still here is beyond me. These are my top theories for the morning:

1.They are afraid throngs of cicadas will be returning soon to steal their home.
2.They are lazy.
3.Their nest is a bird-mansion.
4.Their parents neglected to teach them about migration.
5.They like me.

Speaking of migration, remember the year of the tsunami? All these scientists said the Earth was tilted X-amount of degrees on its axis, as a result (AMAZING!).

So, that following spring, I was out for a walk and I noticed these strange birds at the park. They had big duck-like bills and duck colored feet, but were MASSIVE (as far as ducks go). There were a couple dozen of them and they seemed very friendly, walking close to me and honking their cute honks.

In speaking to a man that looked like one of the local bums, I discovered that the birds usually migrated to the Toledo area (1/2 hour south of where we were). He theorized that the axis tilt had knocked some migratory patterns slightly off course.

The birds continued to return each spring until I moved. I used to feed them with 3 yr. old Lute. They would eat right out of our hands and he would laugh and laugh!!!Later, I learned they are called White Fronted Geese. These ones were so pretty that they made the normal geese look like bums...

1 comment:

Donna said...

I think it's #3 or #5. Bird-mansion is the funniest thing ever! Maybe the Bing Crosby movie White Christmas really inspired them to stick around and see what all the fuss is about. Have they hung any Christmas lights?