so, there are some incredibly cute things that I love sosososososo much about my son these days. i thought I'd share them with you.
1. I am trying to teach him how to have a polite conversation. He gets the phrases, but it working on his timing and placement of them. Lately, in the mornings, he will look at me and say "Hi Mommy!" ("Hi Noah")--Pause and smile--"It's nice to meet you!"
2. At 32 months, he should be at least partially potty trained by now, but I have been SWAMPED with school, Autumn, etc. and have not been able to consistently teach him. The diapers are annoying, but still easier right now. From time to time, I will be changing him and put powder on him, and he will look up at me and say "Thank you, Mommy." What a sweetie...
3. He likes to pray with me. his favorite people to pray for are Daddy and Uncle Robert, but some nights we just keep going and going and I am amazed at who he remembers and thanks Jesus for!!
4. He is sooooooooo forgiving and loving. I HATE messes. 2 yr olds are masters at messes. I have little patience for anything when I am in school and some things cheat Noah out of time that he should be able to have my 100% attention. He holds no grudges, puts up with my moods, and still gives the biggest hugs ever.
5. He ADORES his sister. When we were letting her cry it out he snuck out of his bed and into her crib to make sure that she was okay (even though he got in trouble for getting out of bed). What a protective big brother. I am so proud of him!
6. Sometimes I hold him like a baby (sorry, some people might think he will regress from that and I'm 'babying" him but I tell myself it's okay because there was such a long time that I couldn't hold him like that) and just stare into his eyes. I say I love you Noah, and he says "I love you too, Mommy." It is an awesome thing.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
What a delectable cracker...
I think that's how you spell it. And, man oh man, that's a Vinta cracker for you! Multigrain, perfect size, crunch, mouthwatering taste. Slap on a chunk of extra sharp cheddar cheese and it's droolmania!
Too bad they only sell them at Trader Joes. TJ is awesome, but about a thirty min drive from my house. Did you know that TJ accepts food stamps? I did not until I called and found out they do. IDK why I was so pleasantly surprised by this fact. I guess peeps in the burbs are hit by the economy too. (As for the "pleasant" part, ecstatic is a better word).
THE BRIDGE CARD: This is a big reason that grocery store prices are RIDICULOUSLY hicked up in the inner city of Detroit. A much greater percentage of patrons use the Bridge card, than cash or credit. Why not charge 3.98 for a bottle of taco sauce? SEVEN DOLLARS for a bag of peanut sized oranges... the state is paying for it anyways. Plus, people without cars are not likely to catch the bus a hundred miles outside the city to pay less. This is crazy to me. There are no grocery store chains in the city limits. Not a Super-Walmart, Meijer, Kroger, or even a Target, etc. Just one Aldi five feet INSIDE the city limits. Whatsupwiththat?
I remember needing diaper wipes for Noah one time, when I was on the West Side. It would have taken me at least 30-40 minutes to get to a Target or other normal priced place. I had to opt for the CVS. Target wipes=1.84 CVS wipes (with about 30 less wipes in the package)=3.89 Total ripoff=more than two dollars...double it for an equal wipes to package ratio!
I was appalled. Esp. considering how many mothers I see waiting for the bus on a daily basis. What choice do they have but to take it up the wazoo to keep their kids wazoos clean? And no wonder they can't crawl out of the inner city financial wormhole. Almost an hour of minimum wage work for barely enough wipes to last a week (if the baby never poops). Add in the price of daycare, ripoff diapers, AND time and transportation to get the baby ready, dropped off, get to work for 7 bucks an hour, take the bus to get the baby, take the bus to the ripoff market, take the bus home, bus, bus, bus, ripoff, ripoff, ripoff...Welfare Check PLEASE!!!!!! CRAZY SOAPBOX MATERIAL HALTING because I have to do my homework:)
Too bad they only sell them at Trader Joes. TJ is awesome, but about a thirty min drive from my house. Did you know that TJ accepts food stamps? I did not until I called and found out they do. IDK why I was so pleasantly surprised by this fact. I guess peeps in the burbs are hit by the economy too. (As for the "pleasant" part, ecstatic is a better word).
THE BRIDGE CARD: This is a big reason that grocery store prices are RIDICULOUSLY hicked up in the inner city of Detroit. A much greater percentage of patrons use the Bridge card, than cash or credit. Why not charge 3.98 for a bottle of taco sauce? SEVEN DOLLARS for a bag of peanut sized oranges... the state is paying for it anyways. Plus, people without cars are not likely to catch the bus a hundred miles outside the city to pay less. This is crazy to me. There are no grocery store chains in the city limits. Not a Super-Walmart, Meijer, Kroger, or even a Target, etc. Just one Aldi five feet INSIDE the city limits. Whatsupwiththat?
I remember needing diaper wipes for Noah one time, when I was on the West Side. It would have taken me at least 30-40 minutes to get to a Target or other normal priced place. I had to opt for the CVS. Target wipes=1.84 CVS wipes (with about 30 less wipes in the package)=3.89 Total ripoff=more than two dollars...double it for an equal wipes to package ratio!
I was appalled. Esp. considering how many mothers I see waiting for the bus on a daily basis. What choice do they have but to take it up the wazoo to keep their kids wazoos clean? And no wonder they can't crawl out of the inner city financial wormhole. Almost an hour of minimum wage work for barely enough wipes to last a week (if the baby never poops). Add in the price of daycare, ripoff diapers, AND time and transportation to get the baby ready, dropped off, get to work for 7 bucks an hour, take the bus to get the baby, take the bus to the ripoff market, take the bus home, bus, bus, bus, ripoff, ripoff, ripoff...Welfare Check PLEASE!!!!!! CRAZY SOAPBOX MATERIAL HALTING because I have to do my homework:)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Kids raising Kids
This phenomenon just is mind boggling to me. C and I were driving up 9 mile and we saw a couple and a baby. The female was snuggled up to the male, who had one arm draped protectively over her shoulders and the other arm cradling the baby to his hip. They could not have been older than 13. 14 tops, but that's a stretch.
I instantly want to get judgemental and blame. Blame the parents (where the heck were they at while their children were fornicating?), blame the education system (nice idea to CUT health ed classes), the kids themselves (um, condoms anyone? Oh yeah, YOU ARE 12 YEARS OLD AND SHOULD NOT BE HAVING SEX!!!), the media (objectify women, butts, boobs, sex, etc...which brings me to the next point of beef). Truth is, the Bible said this would happen. Each generation will get worse and worse until the coming of the Lord. At least these kids were trying to play grown up "the right way." No abortion and they seem to be in it together. My heart really goes out to them, but I just can't wrap my mind around it.
Next point of beef: Boobs. Why is it totally okay for men to ogle a female (of practically any age) who is wearing a low cut shirt and push up bra, but I get flack from grown up individuals about breastfeeding my baby in public. I have literally heard it referenced as "gross." ????????????????? Now that's some serious perversion on a large scale!!!!!
I instantly want to get judgemental and blame. Blame the parents (where the heck were they at while their children were fornicating?), blame the education system (nice idea to CUT health ed classes), the kids themselves (um, condoms anyone? Oh yeah, YOU ARE 12 YEARS OLD AND SHOULD NOT BE HAVING SEX!!!), the media (objectify women, butts, boobs, sex, etc...which brings me to the next point of beef). Truth is, the Bible said this would happen. Each generation will get worse and worse until the coming of the Lord. At least these kids were trying to play grown up "the right way." No abortion and they seem to be in it together. My heart really goes out to them, but I just can't wrap my mind around it.
Next point of beef: Boobs. Why is it totally okay for men to ogle a female (of practically any age) who is wearing a low cut shirt and push up bra, but I get flack from grown up individuals about breastfeeding my baby in public. I have literally heard it referenced as "gross." ????????????????? Now that's some serious perversion on a large scale!!!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Grandma came to visit was great! She arrived at 10 am, and Autumn woke up just in time to greet her.

She came bearing gifts of clothes for the kids and I, some great job leads for Carlton, and 3 bottles of Melaleuca laundry detergent (she must know that I do about a million loads of laundry a week...)
We went for an outing. Ice cream + pet store = fun fun fun, I love when my mom visits:)
DQ-Glad it stayed open a few extra weeks

Mojo the parrot

Autumn couldn't get enough of the birds

And the kittens couldn't get enough of Noah

Then back to the house for the sign songs DVD

love you mom, can't wait to see you again:)
She came bearing gifts of clothes for the kids and I, some great job leads for Carlton, and 3 bottles of Melaleuca laundry detergent (she must know that I do about a million loads of laundry a week...)
We went for an outing. Ice cream + pet store = fun fun fun, I love when my mom visits:)
DQ-Glad it stayed open a few extra weeks
Mojo the parrot
Autumn couldn't get enough of the birds
And the kittens couldn't get enough of Noah
Then back to the house for the sign songs DVD
love you mom, can't wait to see you again:)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
the tears of a clown
I used to cry a lot, like all the time. Nowadays, it's turned into more of an "almost cry." For instance, I almost cried at just about every card they read at my friend Deb's baby shower. ESPECIALLY the cheesy ones! I almost cried when Noah dropped a kitchen chair on my foot and it totally swelled up. But I was a "big girl" and bit them back!
I also almost cried yesterday. A little background info: even though N is so totally healthy I still can barely believe it, I have these moments where I just cry. He will look at me a certain way, and it's waterworks. Or, he will struggle with something just a little bit, and I'm a weeping mess. It's like I think of where my boy has come from and want the rest of his life to be perfect and painless!
Yesterday, he was wheezing beyond belief and I decided to give him a treatment before his 1 on 1 teacher arrived. The treatments make him very jittery and what seems to be "disobedient." Imagine an already hyperactive 2 yr old boy downing a double expresso. Make that a triple. He runs into walls, falls on his face, and literally shakes while moving NONSTOP until the stuff wears off. It's a constant "no, stop, don't" and I HATE IT!! But the kid has to breathe...
So his teacher arrived with a super cool box of games and activities to teach and Noah could not control himself. He kept going for the box, making a mess of the current activity, and totally lacked the ability to "wait." The teacher kept saying "Noah, no, stop, don't" and finally "If you will not wait, I will leave and we will have to do this next week."
I bit my lip on that comment bc adults TOTALLY have to follow through on their threats with 2 yr olds. If they don't they will instantly and forever become the kid's doormat...
Sure enough .001 seconds later, Noah jumped up and went back for the box. The teacher packed up and left. I bit back tears as he was leaving. I do not want my kid to be the "bad" kid just because he can't control himself and needs to breathe!!
Hopefully God wants us to move to Florida before he enters "real" school. That way we won't have to wrestle cold and flu season, he won't need the treatments and his self-control will have a chance to mature!! Then mommy will have to find something else to cry about...
(note: The teach felt bad once he recognized that I HAD mentioned the treatment and lack of control issue. He tried to hang out w/ noah outside for a bit before he totally left for good.)
I also almost cried yesterday. A little background info: even though N is so totally healthy I still can barely believe it, I have these moments where I just cry. He will look at me a certain way, and it's waterworks. Or, he will struggle with something just a little bit, and I'm a weeping mess. It's like I think of where my boy has come from and want the rest of his life to be perfect and painless!
Yesterday, he was wheezing beyond belief and I decided to give him a treatment before his 1 on 1 teacher arrived. The treatments make him very jittery and what seems to be "disobedient." Imagine an already hyperactive 2 yr old boy downing a double expresso. Make that a triple. He runs into walls, falls on his face, and literally shakes while moving NONSTOP until the stuff wears off. It's a constant "no, stop, don't" and I HATE IT!! But the kid has to breathe...
So his teacher arrived with a super cool box of games and activities to teach and Noah could not control himself. He kept going for the box, making a mess of the current activity, and totally lacked the ability to "wait." The teacher kept saying "Noah, no, stop, don't" and finally "If you will not wait, I will leave and we will have to do this next week."
I bit my lip on that comment bc adults TOTALLY have to follow through on their threats with 2 yr olds. If they don't they will instantly and forever become the kid's doormat...
Sure enough .001 seconds later, Noah jumped up and went back for the box. The teacher packed up and left. I bit back tears as he was leaving. I do not want my kid to be the "bad" kid just because he can't control himself and needs to breathe!!
Hopefully God wants us to move to Florida before he enters "real" school. That way we won't have to wrestle cold and flu season, he won't need the treatments and his self-control will have a chance to mature!! Then mommy will have to find something else to cry about...
(note: The teach felt bad once he recognized that I HAD mentioned the treatment and lack of control issue. He tried to hang out w/ noah outside for a bit before he totally left for good.)
Monday, October 11, 2010
back to school
is anyone else wishing they just went through the Master's program IMMEDIATELY after ending the Bachelor's?
Some of you probably did this. I did not. Instead, I gained invaluable experience as a basketball coach, tutor, garden committee co-founder, family teacher, wife, professional diaper changer/dishwasher/kitchen floor scrubber, etc. However, experience does not equal degree/diploma. And thus, here we are, back at the beginning of a new quarter in Grad School.
This one should be relatively easy-Prenatal Development. However, I am not looking forward to the hundred plus pages to read by Wed so I can do this discussion. Should be child's play, but I literally carried my books around as I moved about the house with the kiddos today. Did not even open them until about 20 minutes ago.
Hm, so why am I blogging? Oh yeah, to thank you all who pray for me and my family! We are still considering moving to Illinois again. Carlton actually has an interview there next week for an awesome graduate program. Plus the job market is infinitely broader there. Please continue to pray for us, that the Lord would open and close doors and that I would be able to keep my attitude in check this quarter (last quarter, I failed miserably in this area!!). Thanks:)
Some of you probably did this. I did not. Instead, I gained invaluable experience as a basketball coach, tutor, garden committee co-founder, family teacher, wife, professional diaper changer/dishwasher/kitchen floor scrubber, etc. However, experience does not equal degree/diploma. And thus, here we are, back at the beginning of a new quarter in Grad School.
This one should be relatively easy-Prenatal Development. However, I am not looking forward to the hundred plus pages to read by Wed so I can do this discussion. Should be child's play, but I literally carried my books around as I moved about the house with the kiddos today. Did not even open them until about 20 minutes ago.
Hm, so why am I blogging? Oh yeah, to thank you all who pray for me and my family! We are still considering moving to Illinois again. Carlton actually has an interview there next week for an awesome graduate program. Plus the job market is infinitely broader there. Please continue to pray for us, that the Lord would open and close doors and that I would be able to keep my attitude in check this quarter (last quarter, I failed miserably in this area!!). Thanks:)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I get really annoyed when I get stressed out! The irritation just adds more stress to the snowball of anxiety. The Word of God tells me "do not be anxious for anything. Instead, pray about everything." This exact scripture got me through many months of stressfilled situations w/ Noah. Still, today I was very stressed out ALL DAY LONG!!!
What is the cause of this stress? IDK! Maybe it is residual stress creeping in from the past few months of school and kid land. Or the fact that I have not slept for a solid four hours or longer since Noah was born 2 1/2 years ago... After going to Bible Study, sucking down a slurpee and candy bar and attempting a headstand, I must admit I feel much better. I will have to remember this recipe for next time.
What is the cause of this stress? IDK! Maybe it is residual stress creeping in from the past few months of school and kid land. Or the fact that I have not slept for a solid four hours or longer since Noah was born 2 1/2 years ago... After going to Bible Study, sucking down a slurpee and candy bar and attempting a headstand, I must admit I feel much better. I will have to remember this recipe for next time.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
the written
update, that is. (Scroll to the headings if you know or don't)
I'm addicted
I really have a love/hate relationship with facebook. Seriously. How can a grown woman with weeks of schoolwork, loads of laundry and decades of child rearing to do spend night after night on fb doing absolutely nothing? I will LITERALLY spend 3-4 hours on there when I am supposed to be writing about ethical dilemmas or something I could care less about. Well lookahere!! I guess that's why I did not get an A in the Ethics class. I am a moody deactivator too, but then I always jump back on. It's kind of like when it took me almost 6 years to stop smoking completely. Facebook stinks....Bleccchhh!!!
I love this. Why did I never take it up before? Oh, I forgot, I did cross stitch an "I love mom" something or other when I was in grade school. And thanks to the middle school home ec teacher, I kind of remember how to sew buttons on... Debra's baby shower is in two weeks so I've really gotta bust a move to finish her baby's quilt. Plus, I will be starting classes again in two weeks, so it's now or never.
Two Kids
Someone once told me that having two kids is 17 times harder than having one. Whenever I find myself with only one, I think that I have just been spoon fed 2 gallons of half melted Cherry Garcia ice cream while I float on a raft in one of those infiniti pools. I actually love and adore having two children. It was the two classes that rocked my world (in a bad way-see below)
Two Classes
Because I thought I would try to be wonderwoman like my friend Becca, I took two online classes when Autumn was 2 months old. Horrible awful no good very bad 2 1/2 months is an exponential understatement. Going from one kid and one class to two kids and two classes is about 80,000,000 times harder. I am sooooo grateful it was only ten weeks. I could have been ruined forever! But God is good and he let me walk right into this mistake to learn a lesson. CALM DOWN AND ENJOY YOUR KIDS, they will give you grandkids before you know it!!!!!!!!!
Three Kids
I have four friends with three kids. Whatupwiththat? My dad would have a heartattack if I wrote a joke about having another one on the way. Don't worry, Dad, I will have to wait till KT Shaw gets pregnant again (we have had 2 pregnancies together), or Donna or Becca who shared the last one with all of us (#4 anyone?).
On to the weightier matters
I have been back in the gym. I have about 15 pounds to go before I reach pre-baby weight. I am determined to get there before the end of the year. Since I only consistently eat three food groups (fruit, veggies, and TOTAL GARBAGE), I think I can make it. Now if you will excuse me, the cherry pie and ice cream I bought are calling my name...
I'm addicted
I really have a love/hate relationship with facebook. Seriously. How can a grown woman with weeks of schoolwork, loads of laundry and decades of child rearing to do spend night after night on fb doing absolutely nothing? I will LITERALLY spend 3-4 hours on there when I am supposed to be writing about ethical dilemmas or something I could care less about. Well lookahere!! I guess that's why I did not get an A in the Ethics class. I am a moody deactivator too, but then I always jump back on. It's kind of like when it took me almost 6 years to stop smoking completely. Facebook stinks....Bleccchhh!!!
I love this. Why did I never take it up before? Oh, I forgot, I did cross stitch an "I love mom" something or other when I was in grade school. And thanks to the middle school home ec teacher, I kind of remember how to sew buttons on... Debra's baby shower is in two weeks so I've really gotta bust a move to finish her baby's quilt. Plus, I will be starting classes again in two weeks, so it's now or never.
Two Kids
Someone once told me that having two kids is 17 times harder than having one. Whenever I find myself with only one, I think that I have just been spoon fed 2 gallons of half melted Cherry Garcia ice cream while I float on a raft in one of those infiniti pools. I actually love and adore having two children. It was the two classes that rocked my world (in a bad way-see below)
Two Classes
Because I thought I would try to be wonderwoman like my friend Becca, I took two online classes when Autumn was 2 months old. Horrible awful no good very bad 2 1/2 months is an exponential understatement. Going from one kid and one class to two kids and two classes is about 80,000,000 times harder. I am sooooo grateful it was only ten weeks. I could have been ruined forever! But God is good and he let me walk right into this mistake to learn a lesson. CALM DOWN AND ENJOY YOUR KIDS, they will give you grandkids before you know it!!!!!!!!!
Three Kids
I have four friends with three kids. Whatupwiththat? My dad would have a heartattack if I wrote a joke about having another one on the way. Don't worry, Dad, I will have to wait till KT Shaw gets pregnant again (we have had 2 pregnancies together), or Donna or Becca who shared the last one with all of us (#4 anyone?).
On to the weightier matters
I have been back in the gym. I have about 15 pounds to go before I reach pre-baby weight. I am determined to get there before the end of the year. Since I only consistently eat three food groups (fruit, veggies, and TOTAL GARBAGE), I think I can make it. Now if you will excuse me, the cherry pie and ice cream I bought are calling my name...
It's been a loooong time
I had a baby and then school started and I kind of fell off the face of the blogging earth. I am back but now I do not know what to write about. So i will just post some pictures:) Enjoy
"I think my life is about to change..."
(Oh, btw I did not get the "pregnancy mask" it's the shadow from our storm window holder, haha)

Yup! There she is!

She slept for about 2 weeks...(at Debra's wedding)

Then she woke up and tried to eat her brother.

He's such a proud and protective big brother:)

Hangin with the neighbor/friends:)

I need to frame this pic

The cutest dollar I've spent in a looooooooong time...

"I think my life is about to change..."
(Oh, btw I did not get the "pregnancy mask" it's the shadow from our storm window holder, haha)
Yup! There she is!
She slept for about 2 weeks...(at Debra's wedding)
Then she woke up and tried to eat her brother.
He's such a proud and protective big brother:)
Hangin with the neighbor/friends:)
I need to frame this pic
The cutest dollar I've spent in a looooooooong time...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Dayton Family
They are this gangsta rap group from Flint and they have this song called "what's on my mind?" The things on these nice young men's minds are far too obscene for me to type here. I'll opt to let you know what's on MY mind instead...
Social Obligations- I just do not want to answer the phone, go anywhere or see this bad??!!! I'm not feeling blue, but still sooooooo beyond tired and not interested in formalities of any sort!
Soreness-boobs, back, stomach, uterus, round ligaments (i didn't even know what these were till they started stretching during pregnancy-hey! no one told me they hurt just as much shrinking back into place!) etc. I really don't want to turn into a vicadin junkie, but hey, a C-Section IS considered MAJOR surgery and I think I would be more comfy if I hadn't quit taking everything about a week ago...
Oh yeah, and ARMS AND HANDS!!! I need a massage at the Good Health walk-up in the mall:) My lovely husband rubbed my shoulders last night and I almost cried from the pain/relief combo!
Beautiful Children. I am sooooooo blessed to have 2 healthy and lovely children.
Friday, April 30, 2010
breastle mania!
Outline of a typical feeding:
In a matter of seconds, my little darling goes from a state of blissful sleep to that of a seriously tortured pteradactyl.
She poops, gets a new diaper, and poops again.
I feel like I'm going to puke, scream, and die (in that order) from the feeling throughout my entire torso.
In a slightly longer matter of seconds, Autumn goes from fighting the boob like she's in the UFC to hugging it like a teddy bear.
My EXTREME discomfort turns into near ecstasy when my milk lets down.
She decides she hates the boob and pushes off.
Huge explosive poop number 17 of the day...
I bust out the pump with one hand and try to get her to latch with the other.
I drop the pump to try with more diligence and she decides to do it herself.
My other boob starts to leak. Profusely. Through the pad and my bra...
She sucks twice and falls into a coma...
In a matter of seconds, my little darling goes from a state of blissful sleep to that of a seriously tortured pteradactyl.
She poops, gets a new diaper, and poops again.
I feel like I'm going to puke, scream, and die (in that order) from the feeling throughout my entire torso.
In a slightly longer matter of seconds, Autumn goes from fighting the boob like she's in the UFC to hugging it like a teddy bear.
My EXTREME discomfort turns into near ecstasy when my milk lets down.
She decides she hates the boob and pushes off.
Huge explosive poop number 17 of the day...
I bust out the pump with one hand and try to get her to latch with the other.
I drop the pump to try with more diligence and she decides to do it herself.
My other boob starts to leak. Profusely. Through the pad and my bra...
She sucks twice and falls into a coma...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
What a weird looking tree...
I was reading John 15 this morning and it is amazing how the scriptures back each other up. This particular passage is talking about abiding in Jesus and how if we do, we will be pruned (ouch!!) to bear more fruit, if we don't we will be cut, wither, and gathered to be burned (like a dead branch that has been cut off from all nourishment). I love the comparison of us to vegetation. It is just wonderous... It reminded me of the "fiery trials" we will face as Christians, with a slightly different emphasis.
John 15 makes me think of the gardener who loving tends to their crops, day after day, creating an atmosphere for perfection and growth. Also, how a freshly pruned tree always looks kind of funny at first, but then it FLOURISHES into such beauty in a short time:). I am feeling a bit spiritually awkward these days. It is a conviction to stay (abide) in the Lord, and make sure I really seek Him, so that He can use me to bloom for His glory.
John 15 makes me think of the gardener who loving tends to their crops, day after day, creating an atmosphere for perfection and growth. Also, how a freshly pruned tree always looks kind of funny at first, but then it FLOURISHES into such beauty in a short time:). I am feeling a bit spiritually awkward these days. It is a conviction to stay (abide) in the Lord, and make sure I really seek Him, so that He can use me to bloom for His glory.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Love and Marriage...

So, I do not opt show the boy much kiddie TV. Mainly because "the man" attempts to brainwash and brand every child in audience (sorry Dora and Diego lovers, it's just an opinion).
However, I do allow my son to watch old reruns of Married with Children with me and the hubby. Hey, quality family time, complete with all the laughs, right?
Um, yeah, well, the subconscious effects have certainly sunk into our little AL...
So what channel is Sesame Street on, again?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
My God is SO BIG!!!
so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do!! (clap, clap)
Yup, that's Him, God Almighty. Creater of the universe and all that dwell therein. He is AWESOME. Nothing is greater or stronger or more powerful and amazing.
Thank you God, for bringing me through this pregnancy! Thank you for healing me of the fibroid, thank you for using this experience as a testimony for people to see your miracles!! Thank you thank you thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross and advocating for me so I could be reconciled to my heavenly Father. Thank you for grace and mercy and love!!!!!
The mountains are His, the valleys are His the trees are His handy work toooooooooo!!!
"Commit your way unto the Lord! Trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass!!!"
-Psalm 37:4-6
Yup, that's Him, God Almighty. Creater of the universe and all that dwell therein. He is AWESOME. Nothing is greater or stronger or more powerful and amazing.
Thank you God, for bringing me through this pregnancy! Thank you for healing me of the fibroid, thank you for using this experience as a testimony for people to see your miracles!! Thank you thank you thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross and advocating for me so I could be reconciled to my heavenly Father. Thank you for grace and mercy and love!!!!!
The mountains are His, the valleys are His the trees are His handy work toooooooooo!!!
"Commit your way unto the Lord! Trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass!!!"
-Psalm 37:4-6
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hey Autumn!
So, our little mama is 33 weeks and some days. She is in the 97% percentile-weighing over 5 pounds!! HER mama has gained 43 pounds-oley canoley! A c-section is scheduled for Wednesday, April 21st at 9am. Her face was comfortably smashed in my right hip socket-the pictures look like she is making fish faces on a window.

Very strange indeed, but I think she has Carlton's lips. She also had fat cheeks, which Noah did not develop for a few months. I hope she gets some of the color changing eyes that run in my family. That would be very cute, especially when she's a teenager and my husband has to be reminded of all the light-skinned, pretty eyed girls he used to chase-lol;). We shall see... and soon!

Very strange indeed, but I think she has Carlton's lips. She also had fat cheeks, which Noah did not develop for a few months. I hope she gets some of the color changing eyes that run in my family. That would be very cute, especially when she's a teenager and my husband has to be reminded of all the light-skinned, pretty eyed girls he used to chase-lol;). We shall see... and soon!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
coffee, etc.
I just wanted to post b/c it's been a little while. So here is a few minute flow from my brain. Had delicious middle-eastern food tonight while my nephew watched Noah for me. I also worked on this paper that is due in about 10 days. I really like doing homework in restaurants or coffee shops... yum, coffee-decaf, please!!!
Speaking of coffee, I may get to see my oldest friend, Jess-ca, in April. Our friendship began in Kindergarten. We always pretend we are going to get together for coffee. Only thing is she lives in New Jersey and I'm in the good ole hand. It will happen one day, maybe in April!! And wouldn't it be great if she got to meet Autumn??

My son is preciously adorable. So much so that I don't even mind turning into one of those mommies that only talks about her kids. He is learning new words and I am so proud of his development. He seems to know that Autumn is in my belly- he's sooooo gentle and always hugging and kissing it. Can't and won't ever forget that the doctors said he would probably not make it.

My husband is a lovely, smart, funny man. I am soooo grateful that the Lord has seen us through some tremendous ups and downs. My prayers have been answered for renewed love towards him and I am remembering (and seeing) all the many reasons I wanted to be his wife in the first place. We have been through so (ooooooooooooooo) much in our first three years and I am VERY glad that we have many more ahead of us. I actually had a counselor tell me that she knows "seasoned" married couples that would not have been able to stay together through all the trials we've faced. Grace and Mercy abound- Thank You JESUS!

So, I said a few minutes and it's been that. I am feeling so much love toward my friends, family, and people in general these days. I attribute it to the Lord pulling me closer to Him. He is there for me no matter what. I can pour out my heart and imperfections and He listens, loves, changes and heals me. BLESSED, indeed!!!!!
Speaking of coffee, I may get to see my oldest friend, Jess-ca, in April. Our friendship began in Kindergarten. We always pretend we are going to get together for coffee. Only thing is she lives in New Jersey and I'm in the good ole hand. It will happen one day, maybe in April!! And wouldn't it be great if she got to meet Autumn??
My son is preciously adorable. So much so that I don't even mind turning into one of those mommies that only talks about her kids. He is learning new words and I am so proud of his development. He seems to know that Autumn is in my belly- he's sooooo gentle and always hugging and kissing it. Can't and won't ever forget that the doctors said he would probably not make it.
My husband is a lovely, smart, funny man. I am soooo grateful that the Lord has seen us through some tremendous ups and downs. My prayers have been answered for renewed love towards him and I am remembering (and seeing) all the many reasons I wanted to be his wife in the first place. We have been through so (ooooooooooooooo) much in our first three years and I am VERY glad that we have many more ahead of us. I actually had a counselor tell me that she knows "seasoned" married couples that would not have been able to stay together through all the trials we've faced. Grace and Mercy abound- Thank You JESUS!
So, I said a few minutes and it's been that. I am feeling so much love toward my friends, family, and people in general these days. I attribute it to the Lord pulling me closer to Him. He is there for me no matter what. I can pour out my heart and imperfections and He listens, loves, changes and heals me. BLESSED, indeed!!!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Thanks to my friend Deb, I have received a blogspot facelift. I love it!! It is a great color scheme for my personality.
So, without further ado, here is my friend Debra. She has recently received a "facelift" of her own! I am so proud of her, she has been doing Jenny Craig for 8 weeks and lost 14 lbs. Go Debra!!
I am slightly disappointed that I have managed to pick up her extra pounds, but she promises to go walking with me once I have Autumn. By the way, Debra likes to point out that my kids are actually hers. Noah does look more like her than me, and loves to talk to her on the phone. She even posted virtual scrapbook pages claiming him as her own:

We met when we were both hired to teach at City Mission Academy. We pray together, text, talk, ramble, laugh and are great at accepting each other without judgment and with lots of love and support. I have only known her since Sept., but I can't imagine my life without her. She is funny and inspiring and faithful to the Lord-among a zillion other attributes... I love you Deb!!!
So, without further ado, here is my friend Debra. She has recently received a "facelift" of her own! I am so proud of her, she has been doing Jenny Craig for 8 weeks and lost 14 lbs. Go Debra!!

I am slightly disappointed that I have managed to pick up her extra pounds, but she promises to go walking with me once I have Autumn. By the way, Debra likes to point out that my kids are actually hers. Noah does look more like her than me, and loves to talk to her on the phone. She even posted virtual scrapbook pages claiming him as her own:

We met when we were both hired to teach at City Mission Academy. We pray together, text, talk, ramble, laugh and are great at accepting each other without judgment and with lots of love and support. I have only known her since Sept., but I can't imagine my life without her. She is funny and inspiring and faithful to the Lord-among a zillion other attributes... I love you Deb!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010
What's this?
I was gonna take guesses, but forgot that the nurses had a sense of humor and named Noah's "twin." Isn't that amazing? Carlton said it was almost the size of a football. It weighed 3 times as much as the boy.
I woke up thinking about it today, along with all the miracles that God has allowed me to see. And to think, Autumn weighs almost as much as it did. Plus, she doesn't have to fight it for space-thanks God and big brother for getting it out of the way!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
I have learned tremendous lessons about gratitude in the past two years. Who would have thought I'd be soooo excited about people telling me "You are BIG! or huge, or whatever the daily catch phrase would be." I am like: Wow! Yes, I know! My baby girl weighs over 3 lbs. She is gigantic compared to Noah. Every time she lodges in my hip, I am grateful not to be sitting next to an incubator waiting to have her come home. Now as for the incessant heartburn, I could do without that...

Another thing that I am grateful for is the washer and dryer that are now in our basement! This is AWESOME!!! I love doing laundry now! I take a load downstairs, use the best laundry detergent ever, and a few hours later, I am happily folding away. It TOTALLY beats digging up quarters, lugging a million clothes and Noah to the germ infested laundry mat and waiting for 3 hours with babies screaming, abundant cigarette smoke, and trying to keep him from contracting hepatitis!
These are both things that would probably irritate me if we had not had our "wilderness" experience in Illinois. Others things I used to take for granted: food in the fridge, gas in the car, difficult life lessons... Thank you, Jesus for the gift of gratitude. Please help me to complain less and be grateful more!
"Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: REJOICE!!!"
-Philippians 4:4
Another thing that I am grateful for is the washer and dryer that are now in our basement! This is AWESOME!!! I love doing laundry now! I take a load downstairs, use the best laundry detergent ever, and a few hours later, I am happily folding away. It TOTALLY beats digging up quarters, lugging a million clothes and Noah to the germ infested laundry mat and waiting for 3 hours with babies screaming, abundant cigarette smoke, and trying to keep him from contracting hepatitis!

These are both things that would probably irritate me if we had not had our "wilderness" experience in Illinois. Others things I used to take for granted: food in the fridge, gas in the car, difficult life lessons... Thank you, Jesus for the gift of gratitude. Please help me to complain less and be grateful more!
"Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: REJOICE!!!"
-Philippians 4:4
Thursday, February 11, 2010
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